Favourite non-expansion cinematic?

Other than the original WoW cinematic and the launch expansions, which is one of your favourites?

For me, I do love the dialogue behind Shadowlands Afterlives: Revendreth

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The last of the old soldier line of cinematics from BfA where Saurfang dies. I hated the story that brought them to that point, but that cinematic was just perfectly done.


I’m slightly embarrassed to admit that i have spammed Esc on every single cutscene and cinematic that i have encountered in game, for at least the last decade anyway :joy:

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Eh, the majority of in-game cutscenes in WoW aren’t great.

I’d say like 25% of them were good, lol.

The others were kinda cringe, talking too slow, overflowing with emotions when it wasn’t really needed at all.

My personal favorite was Burdens of Shaohao.


afterlives bastion

warbringers jaina

WoD thrall vs garrosh


Daughter of the Sea, for promotional material. An emotional high with stellar music, vocals, and storytelling.

In-game: the Legion finale. Because it was epic. Because it was fan-service. Because we finally got to see Sargeras. And most of all, because after the movie plays, you can go to Silithis and there’s a mountain-sized sword sticking in the zone and the whole experience is made real. It’s one of those genuine moments where the enormity of a “World ending threat” is made visceral and true to scale- I get a tangible sense of how big a deal Sargeras was when I’m standing at the foot of the blade and looking up at a mile of metal and malice. Unlike a certain other big bad who used a lot of words to puff himself up but was hardly present in his own raid, let alone expansion, let alone the world or the lore.


…Does Illidan crushing Gul’dan’s skull in his hand after kicking his butt at the end of Nighthold count? I liked that one… he doesn’t need no pathetic skull and he knows if he left it intact it’d cause trouble. If it doesn’t count then…idk… I may need to rewatch a few as I fear the comments will lynch me if I said Sylvanas yelling “For the Horde” …if that one counts at all in itself. I know they’d lynch me if I said the burning of Teldrassil so…yeah not that one lol



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My actual favourite, Daughter of the Sea, has been said already. Are we counting patch trailers? Because all these years later I still recite this one sometimes.

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Wrathgate. First one I can recall seeing while I was levelling my first toon and it blew me away.


the one from legion where ysera dies saving tyrandre i think. she turns into the nightmare dragon in front of her.

Blizzard needs to hire this guy. I thought it was a revamp for Classic but seems it is a pet-project.

— www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNOxz9paA6E

y’know, he lost an eye and cut off his own arm
but aren’t trolls supposed to regenerate lost body parts? isn’t that like their defining racial trait? Why didn’t those regrow?

They have hired him to do some trailers for classic

It’s the first one you recall seeing because it was the first one they ever did.

The cinematic that immediately came to mind was the Battle for Lordaeron cinematic where Jaina arrives. It’s just cool watching Jaina blow stuff up.

But probably the most memorable epic moments that also have emotional weight are the Broken Shore cinematics - especially the death of Varian.

I also really like the brief moment in Dragonflight when Wrathion and Sabellion first meet. That’s a funny little moment.

Other highlights: Illidan’s rebirth (death of alternate Gul’dan), Antorus finale (Sargeras stabbing Silithus), Ysera’s death, Ysera’s rebirth, Tyrande killing Nathanos, Tyrande fighting Sylvanas, and the recent cinematic where Mafirion and Tyrande reunite with a kiss. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Overall, the questing cinematics have just gotten better and better over the years. Dragonflight is a really great collection of them.

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Malfurion owning that caravan in the face. Especially when he crushed an Orc with roots.


Yeah, it wasn’t ever explained. I imagine when they wrote in that detail they just didn’t think about it. And when they realised they probably just thought, “Oh… woops!”

Still it hasn’t stopped people speculating and coming up with theories. The one I find most compelling is that the elves who captured him had given him some kind of magic elixir which halted his regeneration while they tortured him. I mean they cut out his eye. They obviously wanted some permanent damage. Found a reddit thread talking about it.

You sent me down a rabbit hole with this. Re-reading Zul’jin’s wiki I’m reminded just how badly the amani got screwed over by the world. They really were the victims. Their lands taken by colonisers. Kinda awful that they made them the villains actually, and had us fight to oppress them more.

Reckoning…with the streamer Krimson KB reacting to it…so raw and emotional…Krimson you still have my sympathies!