Favorite type of cookie?

I don’t like cookies. I am a cake person.

My all time favorite is peanut butter cookies

Also I’ll probably get flamed for this but those nasty frosted sugar cookies you buy at the store in the bakery section. I used to eat them all the time

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Chocolate chip and macadamia nut.

That’s a thing??? I love green teas, but that sounds awful.

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My daughter made peanut butter chocolate chunk cookies last month. They are my new favourites.

Fortune cookie.

Fig Newtons.

peanut butter cookies

uh… Oreo hands down. Oreo improves everything.

A doctor could approach me in the hospital and give me the worst news in the world.

In an alternate universe that same doctor came to deliver me the same terrible news, but first he gave me an oreo. My first thought after receiving the news was, “It could have been worse.”

Fresh kołaczki (especially apricot ones) sprinkled with a little powdered sugar. :yum:

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My least favorite cookie, is one that slows my launcher button down and tries to insert a fake login window

(waves hello and puts out a little tray of cookies for all to enjoy!)

Chocolate Chip
Millionaire Bars
Lemon Bars
Double Chocolate Brownies
Cherry Winks




Fig Newtons.


Found a recipe for banana and chocolate chip cookies and so I made them last month for Christmas. Probably my new favorite.

Woah. I’d never heard of some mystical thing. My head is filled with thoughts of it being an interesting flavor profile

Grumbles has arrived!


My favorite cookie is the traditional ones I grew up with: Russian Tea Cakes.

(I’m Ukranian, so we dropped the first part. I’m not sure if I can say what my hubby calls them now, because I don’t want banned. LOL)

Some people know them as Snowballs or Mexican Wedding Cookies. The ones I learned to make are melt-in-your mouth powdered sugar goodness. :yum:


These are amazing and my second favorite thing in the world!



Chocolate chip