Favorite type of cookie?

Oh my golly goodness I have not seen Grumbles cutest boopest cookie gnome in a while I hope he is ok!!

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Browser cookies.

Oh, nevermind - scratch that. Chocolate Chip.


Any cookie. Seriously. There is not a single cookie I wouldn’t eat and haven’t liked. From dry butter cookies to gooey triple chocolate ones. I will eat it, and I will like it.

If I absolutely had to pick a favorite, oatmeal raisin. It does not deserve the hate it gets. I’d even argue it’s better than chocolate chip. Never have I bit into an oatmeal raisin cookie and been disappointed.


The one i turned him into.


The cookies I prefer aren’t ones that most people condone

As a basis though, you really can’t go wrong with a choc chip cookie imo.

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A fresh out of the oven chocolate chip and Tates Macadamia Nut cookies

Snickerdoodle and oatmeal raisin

The ones that save browser login sessions.

Homeboy posted earlier this morning. He is still (thankfully!) around

And I prefer chocolate chip cookies with a milk chaser


I came to post this.

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Miso Peanut Butter!

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Sugar or peanut butter.

Can’t go wrong with a chocolate chip cookie too


I guess lately it’d be pumpkin chocolate chip.

I’m not talking about the Snackwell (ugggh) version, but there used to be a Devils Food cookie with a chocolate coating, a soft cookie, really liked them. Haven’t seen one for years. and Green Tea Kitt Katt bars. Like those. Home made molasses cookies too.

Frosted animal cookies.

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… there are not 7 layers there. I call shenanigans.

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I’ve got a powerful lust for some Thin Mints. It’s a good thing they’re only around for a limited time each year or I woulda long since been found dead in a pile of green and dark brown boxes and the biggest smile you’ve ever seen on my face.
Err I mean, yeah those are alright, I guess.

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There are!

It goes like this.


The jelly is grape jelly which is very thinly layered into the cookie to keep it together.

Oh… in the pic, it looks like three layers. lol

Correct. It’s like, suuuper thin layered. But it’s so good.