Favorite Shaman Race on Horde?

I’ve been watching a lot of lore videos on YouTube and I feel this urge to finally try the Horde. My shaman is going red.

What is your favorite shaman race on horde and why?

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Depend on the transmog i wanna give.

I got a Mag’ar Orc with Frost wolfs transmog cause it does feel the theme.

But I also made Zandalari one cause there is lots of armor that can feel the theme also.

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Go Goblin. Once you’ve had rocket jump to give a Shaman some instant movement potential it’s genuinely hard to play any other Shaman race.


I had a lvl 70 Twink goblin before to hack in Warsong was pretty funny. But i dont like their field of view. same for gnome and vulpera. Im already small in real life. I dont like beeing walked on and not seen anything. Just my optinion tough

If you’re choosing based on lore, I’d say any Horde race is pretty good except for goblin. The lore behind goblin shamans is just dumb imo.

I can’t say I have a favorite Horde shaman race since I don’t like Horde races in general. My shammy is a vulpera tho since I fell for the allied race hype. Kind of liked him being an orc better but meh.


For the theme, I always find Orcs the most satisfying, second to Tauren given how close they are too.

On a personal level, Vulpera, because people keep underestimating because I play something cute, then they realize they got a Enhancement Shaman on them.


None they’re all stinky :frowning: i can’t play shaman or druid on horde

Goblin female is the least bad
Vulpera has animal eared totems though so thats worth considering

My Alliance Shaman is a Space Goat, my Horde Shaman is a Troll. They have the same blue skin color!

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Female Pandaren on both horde and alliance. I love their animations for elemental shaman.

I think all the shaman armor looks best on zand Male troll BUT they have the worst casting animations imo. It’s down to orc or troll. Male or female

Love troll shaman. The berserking racial is awesome for any of the specs as haste is great for all of them. Plus I think out of any class that can go troll, shaman suits it most. Other than that I’d go goblin, again for the haste racial.


Shadowmoon mag’har orc with white tattoo.

Some things you might want to consider are:

  1. Profession racials - what profession do you have or want to take? For example, alchemy might push you to Goblins or Tauren (for herbalism). If you do engineering or jewelcrafting, you might consider Highmountains for the mining racial.

  2. Active vs. passive dps racials - do you like to press buttons to get the most out of your dps output? If so, you might want to go orc or troll, for example. On the other hand, do you prefer passive dps racials? Then consider something like Zandalari.

  3. Gear sets - how do your favorite gear sets look on the races you want to play? Do you like giant shoulders? Maybe mag’har is right for you. Do you like being able to see your boots? Then don’t pick up a tauren or troll.

  4. Totems. self-explanatory, do you like the way the totems look?

Hope this helps.


My favorites would be Orc (mint or chocolate) for an Enh shaman or Vulpera for Ele/Resto. I think the aesthetic styles of the specs matches them great. As a bonus for Vulpera, their totems are awesome.

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I have multiple horde shamans because I like all of them for each of my OC’s.
I got a female orc shaman(swamp witch).
I got a male zandalari shaman that I use as 2 OC’s - a sethrak shaman & a gurubashi jungle troll shaman.
I got a male darkspear troll shaman(witch doctor).

Edit: Still have my fingers crossed for a reptilian playable race…(Sethrak) :pleading_face: :green_heart: :snake: :lizard: :crocodile:

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If I had to play Horde again, I’d go Tauren.

Tauren was the original Shaman I rolled back in Vanilla and although it appeared to be a “slow” character, I actually enjoyed the gameplay and the original starting area.

I still have that original Tauren too, on another server I used to play on a while back.


Pandaren have my absolute favorite animations and are the perfect size too.

Pandaren, though I’m biased because I prefer them as a whole.

Shamanism fits the race perfectly, lore and otherwise. Plus, despite popular belief, you can make 'em look pretty awesome in mail! Just gotta tinker with some sets.

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My favorite is mag’har orc.
The cool kids will say goblin.