For some odd reason, I like Ny’yothia (if that is how you spell it) — the Sleeping City.
I love dark places. Often times it lets the individual express themselves how ever they want without looking psychotic.
For some odd reason, I like Ny’yothia (if that is how you spell it) — the Sleeping City.
I love dark places. Often times it lets the individual express themselves how ever they want without looking psychotic.
Did you like the time travel Bronze quest?
and I wanna go back.
Ny’alotha. I put it in my post if you couldn’t spell it
I know it is a big no no… but Vashj’ir, Zerith Mortis, and Silver pine.
Vashj’ir was kewl! Like #5 on mylist. ZM though burn in hell pls
Dragon Isles is #1 now. It kicked Valley for Four winds to #2.
Dragon isles? Interesting.
Absolutely love the landscape. The best in the game so far.
I just wish they’d have made daily quests all over the map so id want to go back to a lot of the spots I enjoyed running thru the first time.
Storm Peaks, forever and always.
Rustberg Village in Tol Barad. The hotel is just so charming, and the beds are made.
I personally find Dragon Isles very boring. Then again I liked the maw so yknow.
Lol… There ya go. I hated the Maw. Even after we could mount.
Personal tastes and all.
I like very dark and ominious places. Dragon Isles is far too bright and cheery for me lol
Grizzly Hills
Jade Forest
Shadowmoon Valley
Tirigarde Sound (Including Boralus)
Stormsong Valley
Waking Shore
Azure Span
Best zones with awesome music and visuals! Places that breathe adventure!
Anywhere that isn’t Warlords of Draenor, Legion, Battle for Azeroth, or Shadowlands.
WoD was good tho :C
That does seem to be a common complaint in here. Maybe a new zone will be a little more ominous.
Azure Span! It’s so pretty!!