Favorite music in WoW?

the ambient music in waning glacier.

edit: found it

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Mountains of Thunder
Secrets Long Forgotten

All Mop music.


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Not technically from videogames per sey, but Heilung is a band that specializes in that type of old school fantasy / viking sound.


I’m all about that Netherstorm zone music

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For me it’s this, the music of Ashenvale forest. It stirs emotions and memories in me like no other song or sound in a videogame has. I just love it.

And I love the Smooth McGroove acapella version of it too!

Revendreth has some bangers

This isn’t the piece I had in mind, but I found it while searching and it’s definitely up there…

I like more folk-sounding stuff, and this fits that bill pretty well despite being partially just a play on the usual tavern themes.

It also reminds me a decent amount of Cecile Corbel. Not necessarily a specific song, but vaguely similar vibes, I guess? Imagine this but slower, at some parts:

Gilneas all the way!

There are many pieces that I love, for WoD the ambient music in Frostfire Ridge the part with the piano is great. The orchestral music from Oribos. Song of Elune.

There is one piece from SL (I forget where) that always reminds me of Starship Troopers.

They always knock it out of the part for the music.

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It’s probably heresy to post this here but since you asked,

Ya, I’m quite fond of melancholy pieces. They may or may not be to your taste.

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Boralus/Freehold. Piratey music is awesome.

Eversong woods. Pure nostalgia.

One of my favorite tracks is The Shaping of the World and the Alliance & Horde Battle Music from WoD.