For me, it’s the WoD login, Nightsong, or the Maw music. Absolutely love all 3 of the tracks.
Hmm for classic: seasons of war
Burning crusade: Lament of the Highborne
Wrath: Assault on New Avalon (invincible too)
Cata: Nightsong
Pandaria: Why do we fight?
WoD: Malach
Legion: I don’t have one really.
Bfa: Conquered Shores
Shadowlands: The King and the Queen
I love Elwyn Forest and most of Pandaria, especially the timeless Isle.
Grizzly Hills and Storm Peaks themes
I can hear the cries of a civilization erased from history, the lament of a queen who was so obsessed with perfection, she became the most imperfect thing that only the most horrific nightmares can create. And she still sees herself as beautiful and perfect in every way. I can hear the torrent of an ocean being walled off from a ruined city.
The correct answer is Grizzly Hills. You all know the one. They had to change the Garrison GH music to it, because that’s not what it was at first, and a lot of people had questions.
and everyone will probably hate me for sharing this one, but regardless I think it’s lovely and shows the pain behind it all
Highmountain music give me the good vibes
I think for a lot of people they’d gloss over the lyrics because it’s in thalassyan. But the translation really illustrates the tragedy. The lyrics are very simple and barebones, but still manages to be precise enough to give you a hint of what it was like. How the armies of death are coming, and there’s no stopping it. You have children of blood running towards the sun, for warmth, hope, salvation? but the song doesn’t talk about escaping. Just that your people are going to die.
By the light, by the light of the sun
Children of the blood
Our enemies are breaking through
Children of the blood
By the light
Failing children of the blood
They are breaking through
O’ children of the blood
By the light of the sun
Failing children of the blood
They are breaking through
O’ children of the blood
By the light of the sun
The sun
Timeless isle is my favorite zone!
I agree, and thank you for sharing the lyrics and meaning. Her story really is sad, and a tragedy…may not excuse what’s going on now, but doesn’t mean I can’t sympathize or understand what has happened to cause such pain.
mulgore zone music howling fjord and nightsong.
Wandering Isle Part 2
Most of MoP’s soundtrack, honestly.
TBC’s login theme.
Grizzly hills, of course.
I have never heard grizzly hills I guess…because I don’t get the hype about it LOL
Those flutes just sing, shredding all over Zin’Azshari around 1:00 elapsed
Get listening. >:c