It’s Arthas song with the little boy singing.
Gives me chills and I LOVE watching the cinematic.
It’s Arthas song with the little boy singing.
Gives me chills and I LOVE watching the cinematic.
She is my favorite character because she is intrinsically Azerothian. High elven history from the first Legion invasion; her people seiged during the second Legion invasion; transformed from the third invasion (scourge). I think she may be the only character to have gone through all of this and still “alive.”
I like the Grizzly Hills music so much, I bought the track off of iTunes.
Lament of the Highborne is also a favorite, and the best reason to play a Blood Elf.
I’m also a big fan of all of the original tavern themes, especially Salty Sailor and Pig and Whistle.
For all the crap bfa gets, the art and the music continues to be the best I’ve ever experienced.
Even the soundtrack to Visions of N’zoth, they splice the audio for the Ny’alotha raid to make it sound like the music itself is glitching out as your grip on reality begins to faulter.
Then they use a Sheppard’s tone (an acoustic illusion) to make it seem like the melody is infinitely descending when it’s not.
It’s actually brilliant.
Agreed! Though I need to listen to the Nyalotha raid music again. Because that’s a genius touch - plus that oddity that is the constantly “rising” Sheppard’s tone.
Parts of kul tiras are reminiscent of Jeremy Soule’s work in Elder Scrolls, as well
Same, I did a lot reading on her back in wotlk that made me connect with her and hard to disconnect despite all going on now. Doesn’t mean I ‘agree’ with her, but she has fascinating and imo understandable lore.
I really liked her character in Before the Storm
She’s certainly an enigma, and I’m amused at how polarizing it has become in such a short amount of time.
At first I was completely alienated. I remember watching the burning of Teldrassil and wanting to log off because I was so disappointed. I wanted more than just “Sylvanas did it”. Like maybe the nelves were hoarding so much azerite that when they were losing the war, Malfurion decides to detonate it himself killing the tree, but also preventing the enemy from getting it. Very tactically sound, but it would really make you see malfurion in a different light. Maybe the war would get so hectic that the burning was an actual accident, that the explosions and destruction just consumed the land. But no, it was to make an example out of them. To kill hope and life.
I reluctantly played the war campaign and I knew from wowhead that you can “choose” who to side with. And I remember spending about 40 something minutes just thinking who I should join.
Eventually I considered how characters like Arthas don’t get to have a happy ending. They don’t get to have things done perfectly. They are undead, they are forsaken, and they do the bad things because, ultimately, someone has to. Plus, I couldn’t help but think there was something she knew that no one else did, because none of it was adding up. I went against my gut feeling and became a loyalist, placing my faith in my warchief and basically praying that this will somehow work out in the end.
Overall I wasn’t a huge fan of the war campaign at first. But gradually I began to understand the complexities of the story. Sylvanas is not just an elf. Her character represents a state of nihilism that I’ve gone through in my own life. She is the hopeless, vacuous husk that lives inside us. Almost like a metaphor.
Another theme is existentialism. What if none of this was real and you were living in a simulated reality? How no one else but you is truly alive? What kind of person would you turn out to be?
You could kill everyone and it wouldn’t make a difference because they never existed in the way you thought they did. You could save them all and become rich and famous, in a fake dream like world that doesn’t matter in the end.
Sylvanas is literally Flowey the Flower. An echo of a dead boy named Asriel, who had his own life essence pumped into an inanimate object to see what would happen if said object (a simple flower) obtained the will to live. Flowey isn’t Asriel, yet inhabits what’s left of his essence, inheriting his memories and personality. He’s read every book and burned every book. He’s saved everyone and killed everyone. He became self aware and realized he is a videogame character. So the only thing left to do is to destroy reality itself, along with everyone in it and start over. Maybe out of boredom or restlessness.
For me, that’s a character I can appreciate. Someone who was dealt with a pathetic “life”, so instead of dealing with it like an ordinary person she flips the world upside down and makes her own reality and makes her own rules as she goes. Theres something liberating about having that perspective. The status quo is no good, so just make a new Earth. Make a new Shadowlands.
I don’t know, I guess I’ve become …how you say, empathetic. I was put off at first, but now I unironically hope she wins.
Dazar’alor theme 100%
Saurfang’s leit motif during bfa and kil’jaeden’s death are two of my favorite themes, but they don’t seem to have their own listing.
Khadgar’s plan, the Legion version is my fave though. The wod version is really awesome too
Grizzly Hills zone music. Nothing tops that.
Indeed. Totems of the Grizzlemaw, best piece of music in the game imo.
Plays it again…gawd, lots of hay fever hereabouts, the eyes are watering so bad…
For me, the stranglethorn vale.
Wiggles toes to the melody
Varian’s funeral theme.
Speaking of that, it’s almost the day of his death again.
Grizzly hills music and canticle of sacrifice
Ardenweald theme
Boralus and MoP