Favorite moment of TWW?

Hi all, what is your favorite moment so far?

For me:
-Killing Heroic Queen for the first time with a group of grey and green parsing PUGs after 3 hours of attempts. We even wiped once ~5%, and once at 1%. It was fun!
-Reaching 2k and then 2.5k io for my first M+ season ever (never played m+)
-Tier 11 Delve no death completion
-Killing Zek’vir at (?) and (??) difficulty
-Starting Mythic raid for the first time, so far 3/8
Honorable mentions: getting the lootz :grinning:

What are yours?


Killing Zekvir??. Man they need a better way to indicate the difficulty level with next season’s boss. Double question marks is stupid.


Congratulations on your overall progression over the season so far. Keep it up!

I’m feeling burned out currently so it’s when I log out and log into DayZ


loggin off until next expac


Thank you! It’s definitely not the old WoW I remember 2005-2010. It definitely has an element of work&grind to achieve and stay on pace with the season (which admittedly I am not compared to some others: it took me a week just to level to 80, and I delved for the first month after that). But the sense of accomplishment is the motivator I suppose. Back in the day I would just lounge around Stormwind and Goldshire on an RP realm, sometimesRPing, raiding or dungeoning. This WoW seems to have a high speed lane that rewards participation. I like that you can log in and find something to do quickly. People don’t seem as friendly as I remember, but then again I am on a PVE realm versus the RP realm I used to play on.

Anyway, hope all is well!

Killing Arthas back in Wrath.

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I unfortunately never got that far. I didn’t even clear Ulduar before I stepped out of the game.

Enjoying frost mage, undergeared and realized that gearing is much harder this expansion than last. No guild, and all my friends quit to play other games so Im stuck to do dungeons / time walking for gear. I am fine with it but I feel kind of like I am not getting my money’s worth.

What happened to all the outdoor events that we had in S1 of DF ? do they not exist in TWW ?

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I used delves and the weekly epic world event to gear mostly. Delving and tier 8 delve vault helped me a lot.

When S1 ends, it will be my fav moment.

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I got finally got invincible during TWW?

Hopefully that counts because the xpack isn’t very fun

I also got the mount! Kind of by accident, considering I wasn’t expecting it from a TW loot box, lol. Grats!

@Flesha, what if S2 is worse? Or fails to meet your expectation? Sorry buddy! Take care. :grinning:

The xpack will only get better

Blizzard has a weird business model of creating problems then making content out of fixing them

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Then Ill have to wait for S3 once I get all S2 portals :joy:

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Watching Xal flick away Alerria’s bow with an exasperated sigh.


Sounds like something to look forward to, then. :grinning:

There’s a big difference between running solo and participating in a guild that has the same goals and schedule that you do.

Either way you’re putting in the effort and being rewarded. It’s always good to set goals and then hit those goals.

As long as you’re having fun that’s what matters.

Part of it is because of how much content can be done solo now. Some of it is because of how quick some people are to report people.

Finding a guild that’s super social can change that.

It is thanks for asking. I just hit that burn out of mythic raiding all 4 tiers of DF and now all of tww to this point. Taking a break for the rest of the tier while I try to find a new guild.

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What? It’s insanely easier to gear this expansion compared to last expansion.

Yeah, finding the right community definitely is a game changer (pun intended). I didn’t raid anything in Dragonflight (I leveled to 70 and then quit playing), but it looks like it was a good expansion. :grinning:

Bad RNG, no outdoor content that we had last exp.