uhhh Delves are considered outdoor content(?)
time spent and difficulty-wise its by far the easiest way to get to 619 or max Champion gear.
uhhh Delves are considered outdoor content(?)
time spent and difficulty-wise its by far the easiest way to get to 619 or max Champion gear.
Its not, it’s instanced and I have nobody to run those with. Outdoor content was like the elemental storms we had in DF.
I think encouraging and being a part of my friends journey, working their way up to ksm even tho the season is harder is my favorite part. I also am trying mythic raiding for the first time ever, only 2 bosses down but it still feels like an achievement for me.
The next expac will be the best moment.
You literally have delves.
No I cannot solo them so I need to group for them.
Then it’s a skill issue. Delves are literally trivial content.
I don’t have any favorite moments, but I have had enjoyable moments in TWW a few are finally getting Mythic Jaina’s mount and the Shakled Uzul. Also getting all S1 dungeons timed at a +10.
Watching Alleria bounce her arrow off Xal’Tath’s crystal like nope I am taking you down
seeing anduin get his manhood back and jumping head first into a army like old daddy wyrnn, so far. still have a few patches that have a chance to change my favorite moment
No its not my gear is just bad. Im very squishy Can’t be a skill issue if I was not lucky with drops. Don’t be a jerk
So I just realized the title is “Favorite Moment of TWW” and not “Favorite Moment of WoW”
Gonna go with
All the cinematics in which the beautiful and wonderful Anduin appears.
Yes it is skill based.
It’s not your gear.
As a mage you’re not using defensives.
It 100% is.
Level 1 delves can be done in greens. People are doing tier 8s at 560
It’s not being a jerk. I’m being honest with you.
I don’t have a favorite TWW moment, not of the actual expansion, but if I had to choose one, I think it would be the cinematic of Thrall and Anduin.
I’ve had many good moments, they’ve just not been related the The War Within Expansion.
My guild I had been in since season 2 of DF and I just parted ways so currently feeling not having a fun grouo to play with which is why I have been playing dayz
I use defensives just dont have a lot of haste so its slow and constantly moving. Did rank 8 delve on monk so I know what I’m doing.
That quest where that chick gets turned into a rock and we just sort of leave her to silently scream herself comatose after a few thousands years.
I guess we’re supposed to think she deserved it for wanting to be rich or something but I kind of want to follow up on that.
The moment the devs reconsidered their rework of MM hunter and found a way to let me keep my pet with me while playing the way I like to play.
See what I did there???