Archeage for me, prob one of the best pvp mmo’s I have played. The battles due to trade pack runs were absolutely epic. Also loved hiding with friends in stealth on trade routes and raiding caravans.
DC Universe Online. It felt like a more robust version of WoW: more in-depth less-RPG-y combat, features like transmog basically the same, a complete “Support” role in dungeons, and support for scenarios throughout the entire game. On top of that, character creation boiled down to “Hero vs Villain, mentor (Batman, Superman, Joker, etc), and superpowers.” It was a cool game, and it’s still up.
The downside is that they never got free DLC like WoW did and playing the whole thing costs a small fortune. It’s also painfully short: you can have the whole base game done in a very short time. Worst of all: you know how Alliance characters can sneak into Ragefire Chasm if they’re desperate? Can’t do that in DCUO, content is permanently locked for some characters. It’s really sad.
For all the City of X people, in case you haven’t heard:
Look for City of Heroes: Homecoming.
Obviously not the same as having a full developer company behind it, but something is something.
Warhammer Online Alpha was the best PVP from any mmo I ever had.
Unfortunately, when the game went live we had to have 40 v 40 battle with a raid boss on one side.
wildstar looked like it wouldve been right up my alley. never got to play it while it was out.
Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning hands down for PvP engine. Nothing comes close. Sadly the developers got lazy with the contents.
Wildstar could have been special, I think. It advertised itself as extremely hardcore, though, and I wonder sometimes if that turned people off.
I enjoyed that, but I never got to endgame.
Played a Warrior Priest and it was fun.
That’s when I quit. When the NGE came out. Totally destroyed. So sad.
You still can play that, not like my all favourite Wild Star.
Did you know that 2 devs from AC now making indi mmo Project Gorgon? A lot of AC exiles are praising PG because of its mechanics.
Not even gamers in general, but vocal minority. But after all, WS flopped because of useless management having no idea what they are doing.
My first MMO I think was Knight Online. Idk where its at or how it went after I stopped playing it but that was the game that got me into the genre.
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic but I’m a Star Wars geek so…
Tabula Rasa
I’m more of a Star Trek fan myself, but I’ve got to hand it to SW games.
SW games tend to be some of the most fun games out there, including stuff like TIE FIghter, X-Wing, the KOTOR single player RPGs, etc.
Star Trek games on the other hand are mostly terrible.
SW games > Star Trek games
SW games > Star wars mainline content
ST films > SW films
ST series ~= SW series
SW toys > ST toys
Wildstar without a doubt. The combat was fun, the classes felt unique, the housing was phenomenal, the hoverboards were neat. It was the only quest to level MMORPG that I’ve ever enjoyed the leveling process. The soundtrack was good, the voice acting was good. It had issues sure, but I haven’t played a game that doesn’t have any issues.
Warhammer Online
Real Life 2020
Log out of wow they said. Try Real Life. It will be fun they said…
Keep in mind too the current President of blizzard had ALOT to do with the downfall of SWG.
I was TKM / medic for my heals.
A " classic " version of that game is just money waiting to be made imo.