Favorite Drink?

What is your typical favorite drink? Ofc some like to switch it up sometimes, but we all have that one we tend to gravitate towards… So what’s yours?


I enjoy human beverages

Moonberry Juice (in game)

and def cherry coke irl! :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

I drink way, way too much diet coke

I know I should give it up, but I’m weak and addicted to it.


pepsi wild cherry and cream or just pepsi cherry
mead and or vodka

Ok, I have two…

Spiced Rum with Dr. Pepper (Dr. Morgan’s)
Cherry Grog (In game drink, but I have the recipe)

But generally I just drink water. I’m boring. Lol

oh and white russian


you’re smart, not boring!

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The blood of the horde. Vulpera are super tasty. :fox_face:


Well, if you go to a resort, hotel, or some other place with a public hot tub at the end of the day get a big straw and you can have some ‘just right’ human soup!

Vanilla milkshake. I can never grew out of it.

pink drink from starbucks or an iced matcha latte from starbucks

but for every day, prob water.

The tears of all the people whining about about March’s trading post.

So delicious.


Enjoy my whiney tears. Lol

TP loot is waaaaay too Disney, but I’m never going to complain about more wings. Never.

Just not on my weapons. I have to draw the line somewhere. Lol /s

Rootbeer is my favorite. Barqs to be specific because it tastes the most like licorice to me. Lol

That’s been an issue with me, especially in the summer. I had to do something, so I’d pack my cooler full of water and just 1 diet coke to have at lunch.

I hated it for months man I won’t lie, my lunch coke was gone by 7am at first, I was addicted bad.

So a year on now and I’m good all day with water and have a diet coke or 2 after work if I want.

I think I’m good now, was a tough habit to kick, but it’s doable if you make yourself feel bad enough. :laughing:



Beer, beer and more beer.

And I mean real beer, none of that craft :poop:.

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Water and coffee. I don’t drink anything else, besides an occasional blue Gatorade but that is VERY rare.

coffee. black.


I quit drinking anything but water and black decaf coffee years ago. I have recently started drinking AHA sparking water. The lemon lime is amazing. So if your looming for a soda alternative give it a try.

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