Favorite Drink?

Same, but I drink more water now and Diet once in awhile.

Soulstorm. :cup_with_straw::robot:

Ice Coffee for sure

Pepsi Cherry, Cider (various flavours) and Iced Lattes.

A drink that helps keep me alive will always be on the top of my list. :cup_with_straw:

:meat_on_bone::crocodile: :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

Water ,cold if possible.

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Gnome blood with a twist of lime.

Luzianne brewed iced tea!

Either ice water with a splash of lemonade in it or if I’m feeling naughty, a Dr. Pepper.

water as long as it has microplastics - i can tell when it doesnt and it makes me shiver
/10 car

This is my hierarchy of drinks:

IPA > Coffee = Iced Tea = Water > everything else.

water 10char

I am a goblin at heart. Rum and kaja cola is my jam!

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The water from our well is the best tasting water I’ve ever had. I rarely drink anything else, but if I’m in a restaurant I’ll usually have a diet Coke because restaurant water is always gross.

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La Croix or similar. It’s the bubbles, man.

Yep, gotta make sure your intestines last for decades after the rest of your body decays.

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Craft beer is real beer. The watered down mass produced stuff is just soda.