Favorite Disney Movie From Childhood?

Gosh, I sure do love some old-timey Disney animation from when I was a kid. I think one of my favorite openings is this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTK9x4baQY8 Don’t you guys agree?

The Great Mouse Detective


Nightmare Before Christmas.

Still waiting for the Live Action Remake with Doug Jones as Jack. :heart_eyes:


Song of the South

Dinosaur (2000)

Every one that came before Aladdin. For me that movie marked a change in the way Disney made those movies. It went from telling a good story to making people laugh by shoving as many pop culture references into the movie as they can.

There were a few I liked after Aladdin but not many. Hercules, Dinosaur, Emperor’s New Groove, Treasure Planet, Lilo and Stitch, The Incredibles 1/2 and Meet the Robinsons is it.

I have a soft spot for Fox and the Hound and Robinhood. Those are the ones I remember most from my childhood.

I’m also old enough to have seen Black Cauldron in the theater. That was… something. lol


And here I thought I was the only one who saw that in theaters. Shame that no one’s gone back to that book series after that flop, they’re really good.

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Not sure if it was my age or the time period, but it felt so special when a Disney animated movie came out. I remember a lot of people being in theater when I saw Black Cauldron. It’s a shame Disney made little so little mention of it over the years.

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From childhood, eh? As much as I watched Lady and the Tramp, and The Jungle Book, The Sword and the Stone was my childhood favorite.


A Goofy Movie


Not Disney movies, but I LOVED watching these as I was growing up:

Phantom Tollbooth, Raggedy Ann, The Mouse and His Child (that sultry jazz opening!).

Oh man, the nostalgia trip

Well if you bring in non-disney animated


Great movie! Much fantasy. (sorry OP for my non-Disney post!)

Not from Disney, but childhood cartoon movie, hands down the Last Unicorn. Soundtrack was amazing, art, and the story.


That’s a favorite of mine too.

this still my favorite Disney movie


I miss that ride at Disney World! They refurbished the one in Disneyland to Finding Nemo.

For non-Disney related stuff:

Land before Time

Iron Giant

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The Great Mouse Detective became a favorite of mine. I also feel Robin Hood gets overlooked, not as much as Black Cauldron, than it should. I know the CG hasn’t aged well but The Rescuers Down Under was a childhood fav.

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