Favorite Disney Movie From Childhood?

ooh i LOVED watching the rescuers, even though the bit towards the end with them trying to pry the diamond out from that skull scared the bejeezus out of me as a little girl

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Atlantis, boom

lol I remember seeing that and thinking it had a really high body count for a Disney movie.

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“I couldn’t decide how I wanted to end you, so I chose them all.”

Ratigan was in a class of his own as far as villains go, and he had a catchy farewell song too.

The Black Hole was pretty good, but my favorite will always be original TRON.


Pete’s Dragon (the original) or Sleeping Beauty

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Ugh, so many movies I had watched while growing up that it is making it hard to decide.

I could go with A Goofy Movie.

The Little Mermaid.


3 of the ones I could think of immediately.

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Lion King…

I post, having watched that movie many times when I was a kid.

I love that Simpson’s Episode.