Favorite Character in WoW

The correct answer is Garrosh.

I still cry when I think about how Thrall completely baited and boofed him. The most uncool thing to happen in WoW, and I’ve killed 2 million boars. Idk how they keep reproducing.

My favorite character is Dumass in Hillsbrad Foothills.

:cat: :cat2: :cat: :cat2: :cat:


Kil’jaeden or Lei Shen :dracthyr_nod:

Theotar. Sure he has some…quirks but he sure knows how to throw a tea party.


Well, they did him a favor. He abandoned the boat before it sank. Furthermore, he died as a hero and was not dissected beyond recognition in BFA, Shadowlands, and Dragonflight. :sweat_smile:

it will always be me.

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Lillian Voss for the epic journey she, as a character, has been through and how she has developed into a complex and deep character in doing it.

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Lorewalker Cho
Theotar, the Mad Duke
Jaina (as far as major characters go)

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because there’s a wrong answer and you selected it ;D



We’re in the presence of greatness. /bow

My characters.

Gul’dan got done pretty well.

A lot of characters get portrayed as evil, but Gul’dan was on another level due to a brazen lack of empathy and desire for power for the sake of it. Other villians tend to have an ulterior motive for their basis of what makes them seen as evil, but Gul’dan basically boils down to being a jerk.

His nighthold death scene was pretty great. The wings of Illidan appearing behind him as he realizes he has failed, and his facial expression turning to an “I know what’s about to happen” as he turns around. And Illidan just delivers.

Garrosh got done well too IMO. Probably the only good thing to come out of SL was Garrosh getting to give the middle finger to everyone one last time before yeeting himself into oblivion.

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Alexstrasza is up there for me. Dragon queen unafraid of her role as an archetypal mother, unafraid of moving past her trauma and not letting it taint her role as a maintainer of life and unity and forgiveness. I had some issues with Dragonflight, but a lot of the little side quests were some of the best the game has ever had.

Same, has been my favourite for a long time but I haven’t kept up with her story since the start of Legion and apparently she’s pretty hated now.


from an overall game flavor perspective, the Lich King. nothing more iconic to me in WoW.

There are three moments the I really enjoy:

Loken’s speech (last boss of WotLK Halls of Lightening dungeon):

" I have witnessed the rise and fall of empires… the birth and extinction of entire species… Over countless millennia the foolishness of mortals has remained the only constant. Your presence here confirms this. My master has shown me the future, and you have no place in it. Azeroth will be reborn in darkness. shall be released! The Pantheon shall fall!"

Sylvanas’ singing of the song “Lament of the Highborne” as the final reward from “the Lady’s necklace” questline. stopped me in my tracks.

and maybe my favorite moment to tie me to a character: Illidan’s “refusal of the gift” cinematic from legion. This is why I play vengeance DH. “I am my scars…”


So true about what you guys said, those were some really satisfying moments in WoW history… but man, in SL that Garrosh last scene was just gold… such a shame they dint actually made it into a proper cinematic, it deserve it!

I wonder after a few years, if Sylvanas get a epic moment like that too… Like it or not it seems that the years tends to change the perspective of a lot of players.

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That post gave me goosebumps. <3 Well said.

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Shandris when written by someone who likes what I like about night elves… otherwise, Shandris in potential.

I like Flynn when he shows up.

Major soft spot for Vol’jin and Prince Farondis.

Any given cranky old lady. WoW needs more face punching cranky old ladies besides Maeiv. Technically all the very long lived races can have cranky old ladies, but Maeiv is one of the few with actual cranky old lady energy. Granny Wahl.

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Always Jaina.

PS - Gotta love your moniker! And mog! sweet! :wink:

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