What is your fave or most use emotes? This can be on your main or a character you most like them on.
For me I absolutely love /cheer, /rasp and /boop on applebear here. They all animate, make sounds and make me laugh.
What are yours?
What is your fave or most use emotes? This can be on your main or a character you most like them on.
For me I absolutely love /cheer, /rasp and /boop on applebear here. They all animate, make sounds and make me laugh.
What are yours?
i /cheer to basically every emote that gets tossed my way, it’s very versatile
Same here /cheer along with…
as for emoji’s on the forums…
And more, but those are the main ones
It’s probably /slap when random dudes ask me for a lap dance
I often find myself busting out a /dance, which often causes others to join in with their own /dance as well.
Though /peon is pretty hilarious.
I find greet/wave is a nice one too…is very nice welcome.
I’ve slapped a few, but not for the same reasons lol
dancing is contagious…kind of surprising how many will join in, but it really is fun
I always take that has very sarcastic when someone does that.
Like a hey good for you! type thing…maybe I’m wrong.
On topic, I think my most used is /poke also /no is just really funny to me sometimes…
Whenever I come across a gnome, goblin or vulpera, /pat.
Whenever someone helps me with something in the world or I help them, /bow.
Love it.
And of course always gotta do the customary /moo
/em does the wild thing and humps your leg!
I always spam it to myself when I’m flying to a WQ or riding the Deeprun Tram or waiting for a boat to arrive, just to hear some dialogue.
I’m so lonely.
I use /cry whenever I kill a boss and it doesnt drop its mount.
It is by far my most used emote.
it is glorious
My most used emotes are probably /dance, /hug, and /bow. I also emote /sigh or /tap in pvp when a mage casts ice block, a rogue is chain sapping me, etc. type of thing. Otherwise, everything else is rarely used for me.
/Love on all the little animals
Don’t cha just wana snuggle them all?
i like to /lick people.
/rasp is pretty good too tho.
On occasion when running past someone, I for no reason use /wave.
Usually people wave back, which makes me smile.
Yes! I made sure to get all the critter loving achievements!
I’m working on those too !