Probably /pat
Rumour has it Applebear is a big fan of the tactical crouch
that reminds me…
i use too kill people in bgs and wink at them as they were about too die xD
Bold of you to spread rumors of applebear in tackling distance…
You sir are a man of culture, huzzah!
Its probably /poke for me
and /pet
also /sniff
This is true…
come here chonkii…
The ferocity, the bloodshed.
/ruffle Applebear
Lets do this CHONKII!!!
love tap…wait, what was that look? Do you need a /headlock again?
Thank you kindly! -high five-
what you sniffing fluff…vulpera something-something? hm?
Ok, it’s not in the game… BUT IT TOTALLY SHOULD BE.
Girl, you can /waggle with me…we know the code!
I use it for everyone that comes and /boop my Void Elf without warning. They just come, stand in front of him, boop him and leave. The nerve! That, for him, is a declaration of war.
I like to do a lot of /clap. If you’re a fem nelf it’s like the best animation ever how excited they get while clapping lol.
For me, it’s /read. It makes you… well, read.
i use /clap /cheer when im being ganked by someone thats 10 levels or so higher than me
The animations are funny, so I use this all the time, at random things.
I may have used /spit more times than Im proud of.