< Fat Panda > (12/12M) is recruiting DPS, especially Havoc DH. We raid on Wednesdays from 8 pm est to 12 am est for the remainder of BFA, but will be swapping to a 2-night (T/W 8-11pm est) format for Shadowlands.
Our guild is a stable guild that has been around since Vanilla (formerly < Solution > - Greymane).
Besides raiding, we also offers:
- A solid M+ community with many members over 3k io (htt ps://raider.io/guilds/us/sargeras/Fat%20Panda/mythic-plus-characters/season-bfa-4)
- An optional weekly alt/sales run on Friday nights that clears Heroic and early Mythic (later in the tier)
- An optional weekly Jaina mount run for guildies and sales on Monday nights
- An optional Raid Meta achievement mount run at the beginning of each tier
Source 1-night guild rankings: https://www.wowprogress.com/pve/us?faction=&raids_week=1&lang=&class=&spec=
Check out our raid progress at:
Contact us on BNET at:
Justintuck#1424 or