< Fat Panda > (6/8M, 1-night raid team) is coming to Sargeras

< Fat Panda > (A) (Currently Greymane, soon to be Sargeras) is one of the top 1 night raid groups in the US. We are currently 6/8M, after achieving CE last tier. We raid on Wednesday nights from 8 pm -12 am est. We are looking for casual members to fill out our ranks for the other activities that we do outside of raiding, such as Jaina mount runs (Monday night), heroic alt runs (Friday night), M+, and sales. If you are interested, feel free to message any officer in game, or connect with me on BNet at Justintuck#1424.

Hello there, I sent you a request on bnet. I was wondering about the time and day you guys raid. It’s so impressive that your guild achieves that high of a progression only one day

We raid on Wednesdays from 8 pm-12 am est for our mythic run, and the alt heroic is on Fridays from 9 pm - 11 pm, the Jaina run is on Mondays from 9 pm - kill. At this point we are looking for socials to fill out or ranks for the non-mythic runs.