Fastest way to Karazhan as Horde?

What’s everyone’s path to Karazhan after portal was removed? Still need my Midnight mount that refuses to drop.

Ratchet to Booty Bay, fly to Stonard. Fly out from there.

Or, Mage portal to Stonard, and ditto.

Oo yeah, I just took the portal to Undercity and flew to Stonard but that sounds better. The flight path from UC to Stonard is pretty lengthy so I just alt-tabb–I mean immersed myself in a larger world.


Ez . . . . portal from boralus to stormwind and you will be there in 1 min.



Druids can use their class hall portal to tp to the name I can’t recall but I want to say moonglade. Very close to karazhan.

The devs figured out that the content on Youtube is far more vast than anything they could create, so they have given us more opportunities to explore it.


Don’t Horde have a zeppelin straight to Stranglethorn that’s closer?


It seems you might have dyslexia so I’ll give you a mulligan and forgive you as my title says “as horde” clearly in the 6 word title, but hey thanks for the sass anyway.


Reading is hard, apparently. lol

Well that’s just horde favoritism isn’t it?

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Haven’t played horde in years.

Is there still the zeppelin to Grom’gol in STV you could take? Then you don’t have to even fly to ratchet.


Org–>Grom’gol–>Flying mount to Kara


We all have to fly from somewhere. Not sure how that’s favoritism. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Unless I missed sarcasm somewhere.

Zeppelin to Grom’gol, flying mount to Kara in about two minutes from there.


Yeah that was sarcasm. We both got screwed over with the removal of the portals.

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You’re right - Grom’gol is closer, and between ship or Zeppelin you have a random wait either way.

Duskwood would be the closest druid one. Moonglade is on wrong continent :slight_smile:

EDIT: Does Blasted Lands portal still exist? Not sure if it would be closer than Grom’gol or not though.

Yeah that was the one, thank you.

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It seems you are an special boy/girl with low iq that cant catch the sarcasm but is ok . Is always good to help someone.