Fastest way to grind heirlooms

Curious to know, if I had a 80…what would be the fastest way to grind the 40 or so emblems needed for a heirloom piece?

TOGC 10 and 25 man every week. + Daily Heroic

Can supplement with other raids, but TOGC drops like 5 per boss. Ulduar hard modes are good too.

If you’re pretty quick about questing and have some help with some of the group quests there are several quests in Stormpeaks and Icecrown (and I want to say one in Zul’Drak) that reward emblems. I forget the precise amount you receive when all is said and done, but I know I received at least 100 at minimum on another druid I just finished up and I still haven’t completed all of the Icecrown quests so probably closer to 120 give or take in total.

Ohhh cool are these just normal quests that would reward xp but at max they reward emblems?

They reward emblems regardless. At max level they of course reward larger amounts of gold. They tend to be a bit further into multiple quest chains so as long as you just start knocking out every quest in those areas, you will come across them. Most are easy to solo, some require a bit of extra help depending.

Edit: If you’d like, and you use wowhead for anything (or any similar site) you can search for Emblems of Heroism (I believe that’s what the first type of emblem) and it will show every quest that results in an emblem. Just make sure to select the currency version of Emblem of Heroism and not the item.

Heroic dungeon world tours and the quests that give badges of heroism while leveling.

Aside from quests, it basically comes down to just spamming dungeons and downscaling the badges

Also do the weekly Wintergrasp quests for stone keeper’s shards, helps lighten the load on your badge inventory

You can get Shoulders and Weapons for Stone Keeper shards that you can some weekly quests for all dungeons drop it. It’s pretty fast.

And while you doing dungeons for Stone Keeper Shards, you also earn emblems for chest piece.

Chest piece costs 40 badges = 40 dungeon bosses and you also get 160 Stone Keeper Shards.

Looms shoulders cost 200 Shards.

If you’re exalted with your OG factions and have done all the quests at the ToC grounds, there is a vendor that sells them for those crusader emblems you get from the dailies.

  1. Raids.
  2. Dungeons.

This is a link to all of the quests that award at least 1 Emblem of Heroism.

Those quests combined with what everyone else is saying like Raids/Heroics/Stone Keeper’s Shards, etc.

You can trade down Emblems at Usuri Brightcoin in the Dalaran Sewers.

I’ve done this on several characters without stepping foot in a dungeon.
You can fairly easily get 40 EoH doing most of the quests in Icecrown and Storm Peaks. You can even get 50 (for those sweet trinkets), but will need to take on a few world bosses. Stronger classes can solo these, but any class can do it with an extra player or two. Good luck!

depends how long you’ve been 80 for.

if you’ve been 80 for a good long while you can buy slightly pvp centric heirlooms for stonekeeper shards which you may well have a ton of if you’ve been 80 and active for a while

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