Faster Legendary Cloak Upgrades

No you don’t get any handouts

This is a prime example of “give an inch, expect a mile”

Cape rank and neck essences need to be account bound and auto applied to all level 120 toons.

It is near impossible to catch up on an alt toon and nothing you do besides the above will change that.

Corruption, azerite traits, and neck essences have ruined the game

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This is great! But I think the price is a bit too high. Maybe if Echoes were account bound instead of tied to each individual toon 2000 echoes per Malefic Core wouldn’t be too bad.


I don’t need essences, corruption or corruption resist to tank Mythic Ny’alotha?


Link proof please.

Not everyone can consistently time +16s either, but hey apparently that is a good argument to use :roll_eyes:

Also, you don’t have to consistently win. It isn’t hard to get a 50% winrate in dumpster rating where you still make ~1000 echoes an hour.

That’s cool. Can Bizz start to actually have these changes at the start of a patch to make playing with alts more viable?


You barely play the game.

Bring back the downvote button for clown opinions like these.


you can still only get 2 per week. this does not make getting upgrades faster. blizzard lies through their teeth to create hype


Blizzard, to the people that have alts that still need to level their cloak. Can you at least increase your malefic cores gained per week to 3, so those players have a chance to reach the cap in a more reasonable time frame?


Would be nice to get malefic cores out of pvp and m+ caches.
Also they should up the m+ echoes for the people who don’t arena grind.

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Method cleared Mythic N’Zoth with one-two weeks worth of 8.3 gearing. You don’t need it.

Proof? The fact that these endless grinds have become the norm. And SLs is continuing it

The wording on this is odd

So you can get your base 2 from nzoth and full clear vision

And you can also buy as many as you can afford from mother?

yep the title of this thread is a complete lie. faster would mean unlimited cores per week, not remaining at 2


Yeah I think 2 cores from visions + nzoth, alongside however many you can afford with echoes.

no the title is a lie. you can still only get 2 max per week. blizzard are liars


Excuse me?

Because I’m 12/12 heroic and attempting mythic Ny’loatha this week is considered “barely playing the game” ?

LOL comparing the top 1% of players to the rest of WOW community. Logic

She said need.
Clearly you don’t need.

Yeah you’re a scrub with big opinions but the fact is that you don’t have anything to catch up to because the content you do is trivial.


So you know what every player needs? NICE!