Faster Legendary Cloak Upgrades

How many catch up mechanics do you ppl want?
They already made coalescing visions drop in higher quantities
They reduced the # of vision runs to max your cloak
You can buy essences
You can buy specific azerite pieces
You can buy your corruption
You get a free lv 50+ neck and a huge artifact knowledge %
M+ drops higher IL base gear

I’ve said it in like 5 other threads and I’ll say it again here: Just let people run unlimited Horrific Vision full-clears to catch up with cores. This band-aid fix which potentially doesn’t even remove the 2-per-week cap is awful.


because they listened to the miniscule amount of people that asked for this. Don’t call the thread faster if it’s just the same grind if not longer than doing a N’zoth clear or Full Vision.

I don’t know if this is possible due to Blizzard using a time gate model to keep their active subscriptions.

Please make Cores BOA.

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Arguably it keeps people playing if they can get an alt they like to play caught up so they feel good about playing in the content they think they need the extra corruption for.

It means an undergeared alt doesn’t actually have to raid or do an HV to upgrade their cloak. You can just grind echoes from dailies.

This misses the mark and problem almost entirely.

The problem is if you have a fresh 120 alt or whatever, the catchup is a huge barrier. This doesn’t really change that. you can get a core per vision run norally, when in itself only gives 750 echos. so you’re basically saying catchup has almost 3x the cost.

if my alt is 10 weeks behind, I need to do 30 visions to catch up? The currency to do 30 visions is 300k. This alt is never going to catch up. any faster than they would have if you hadn’t have made this change at all.

At the VERY least the cost needs to be made far more reasonable. Make it 750, or round it up to 1k at least.


So can I buy as many as I want per week in addition to the normal two from N’Zoth and full clear?

If it’s just a different way to get them than the title “Faster”?is bs.

We want a normal fun game and not 10 separate systems tied into a cyclical nature of BS to do things that stop being fun after the first time.

They clearly know the system doesn’t work, they don’t have more, but instead of making obvious, ez changes, they do things that give more chores.


So proud of the devs with this hotfix. That is all. Thanks for the good news Kaivax.

I hope they will listen to this, but I am afraid they already made up their mind once they just created this post. They must of already seen this issue before creating their hotfix.


ah so, i will still be seriously behind for resitance so this does nothing for me. oh well. i mean i was able to catch up in gear, essences, and other things but the one thing that is holding me back is this only 6 resistance a week thing: by the time i get them, the expansion will be out. so lame.


The second part of your post is what seems to be the case.

The problem is that all of the catch up stuff uses the same currency. I’d love to play a VDH for my guild’s mythic farm, but there is no way I’m going to farm out 85000 echoes to catch up. I’d rather just play other games and raid log. I miss the days when all you needed was gear/gems/enchants to catch up.


It also takes about 1/3 the time if you do arenas where you get 100 a win almost.

Blizzard is there a way that you can at least increase your malefic cores gained per week to 3, so players have a chance to reach the cap in a more reasonable time?

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You don’t need any of this stuff to play.
Your ‘good old days’ were terrible for solo toon players because they could ‘finish their toon.’
Then what? Then they’d be the one’s playing other games and raid logging.
Despite what it looks like here on the forums, aka the players with 1000 alts each, there’s more solo toon players than alt spammers.

Yes! finally i can have more corruption in my gear


Not everyone can consistently win arenas.