Faster Legendary Cloak Upgrades

So Mother will sell cores at a bit over 3X MSRP.

Why can’t you guys ever just make a 100% good change instead of giving us “what we want” at 10% effectiveness.

You guys do this crap constantly across multiple parts of the game. You’re celebrating the great unpruning in SL as if you should have ever taken buttons away. You give us a corruption vendor but the prices are very high and there is a rotation that has absolutely 0 value. You add this system and a core, that can be earned in one vision run, will cost over 3X the echoes earned in said vision.

Everything you do is half-assed.


Not to mention 1000x more tiresome.


Lol at the end of the day you still have the “I can’t” stance

Another solution is given, take it or leave it

They are no longer forcing you into raiding each week for the additional malefic core. You can obtain the echoes for the core no matter what you do end game, whether it be PvE, PvP, or Mythic Plus grinding.

Exactly. So let me get my 475 BiS pieces outside of 1-2 RNG chance a week (weekly caches).

Sooooooooo, for people who are returning players, or people like myself who just don’t give a crap about this boring content, both of whom will not even have a Rank 15 cloak, won’t be able to catch up?

lmfao, Blizzard, are you daft? I didn’t think it was possible, but this makes me want to do the content even less.



Thanks for finally listening.
The price is still a bit steep tbh especially since people also need to buy corruptions/essences. Not to mention this will require a great deal of coalescing visions and the fact that visions themselves are fairly time consuming (and a bit mind numbing at this point). I hope you will continue to make improvements to help out people with alts and those who may want to resub after a long time.

While I can see the intent, this “frustration” was an issue that players saw coming from the very beginning. The time needed to reach cap and the essential nature of corruptions themselves, which are far more powerful than systems in any previous expansion, should have been obvious to Blizzard as well. I really hope Blizzard never implements something like this again.


No solution and it’s not faster. Stop white knighting.


So… clarification… Are we capped at 2 per week regardless of source or can we earn those 2 per week and ALSO purchase more from the vendor until we are caught up to the current max?

If you did only arenas at an average of 75 echoes per win it would take 1,133 arena wins to catch up this week.


No this is great for the ones who “I can’t” with N’Zoth or visions

i am a bit confused…does this mean you can get more than 6 resistance per week? if not then, meh.

Add in a 50% win rate and you’ll be caught up as pre-patch launches.

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If this hotfix allows one to purchase malefic cores from Mother in order to help them catch up faster, this would be a great change. If you’re still capped at 6 resistance per week regardless, then meh I guess. Sure, you give people another avenue of obtaining the 2 cores, but the ultimate issue is catching up for returning players and alts.

Read the thread title … says FASTER.

This isn’t FASTER.
This doesn’t address issues with catch up.

Go do another 5 mask white knight.


I understand that it isn’t what the majority of players wanted as their time gate, but I still chalk it up as a win that they listened to the players and did something about it that improved it by even a minuscule amount. It means they are at least paying attention.

I just want to catch up my main and play alts.

The thought process behind all of this is confusing.


Now I can actually play more than once a week, and putting work into my alts won’t be pointless. THIS IS GREAT!!!

How is this correcting the time gate. You are still limited to 2 upgrades a week…


I hear you but I feel like this complacent mentality is why Blizzard keeps giving us half-assed garbage.

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