Faster Legendary Cloak Upgrades

Yup :rofl:

So my MAIN can get a core next week without doing a vision?!

Priase N’zoth

:octopus: :octopus: :octopus:{◕ ◡ ◕} :octopus: :octopus: :octopus:


I would rather have had it where you can just farm visions over and over instead of having to use the already limited amount of echos on alts (limited because we have to use them to buy corruptions and essences) to also have to now blow 2k per core.


You dont really need bis stats to do anything in the game so…


I like the idea but it seems like you guys just Im don’t want people to actually catch up. 2000 echoes is a lot. Especially considering how much corruption costs and god forbid you are on a new Aly and have to buy your essences! All the costs seem way too high across the board this one included. The biggest positive is that you don’t have to kill N’Zoth to get the core.


Price is a bit high, also I would personally prefer for Rank 3 Essences and Corruption Resistance to be Account-wide but this is still something compared to what we had. Thanks a lot!

*Small Suggestion Edit:

If you could add an option for players who have upgraded their cloak to Rank 15 to use this item to upgrade cloak ranks of their alts, it would be really great!

And if it’s not asking too much, Heart of Azeroth and Essences may also use similar alt-friendly options.

Like, if your main has a Heart of Azeroth over Level 80, then you can buy an item for your alts to make their necks 75 and unlocks 3 Rank 3 Essences of our choice or rewards 3 Essence worth of Echoes of Ny’alotha currency for completing that upgrade?

Well, you know… More would play with more characters that way and farm Corruptions for their alts instead of feeling like “Too much work” and not even start to farm.

Just a wild thought, OK, that’s said, forgive me if it was too much :>


There’s already too many echoes spent on a new character getting them caught up. The prices are ridiculous, either make essence unlocks much cheaper or move cores to Wrathion and make them cost mementos. I’d say 2 or 3k would be a decent price.

Or buff Echo farming.


i’m not gonna complain that there’s catchup but man, tying literally all of it to echoes doesn’t make it feel any less underwhelming.

buy your rank 3s for 2500 echoes each, buy vessels to farm up your cloak rank for 1700 each, save echoes for specific corruption vendor rotations, spend 2k per malefic core upgrade

to be completely honest saving for corruptions is probably still gonna be the most effective use of echoes given how hard so many classes scale with stat amp ones, i feel like acquisition rate might need to be buffed a little since there’s so many things to spend them on.

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So 2 core per week limit. If you have any desire to have an alt its pointless. You will never be caught up.



You don’t need essences, corruption, azerite, a max cloak, etc. to do anything in game, so.

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Ok, lets say I want to start a tank. I need rank 6 TD, 5-7 R3 essences, plus 14 cloak upgrades. so 45k for corruption, 12.5k for essences, and 28k for upgrades. So a minimum of 85k echoes? That’s only 377 +15 dungeons.


That is great but, it costs 1750 to run a vision… you get 750 back in 20-35min after that… you get a core from the run for completion. This means you spent 1000 on a core, this new addition is twice the amount of a vision in retrospective. on top of that it takes about 4 hours to grind 2000 echoes for everyone doing 16s or higher so I think these should be more like 500 each.

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The upgrades should be BoA so you can send them from your mains with max rank cloak to your alts. A good balance since right now it would cost 42k echoes to buy 4 rank 3 essences and 16 cloak upgrades. Then you still need to buy corruption for 8-10 slots depending on character.

You can walk around in full 445 gear too but it’s an mmo and you want to build your character up? For a lot of people that’s a big factor for the game. Increasing power building out gear sets etc to raid, m+ and arena and push or whatever you want

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So is this saying we can we still only get 2 cores per week or am I missing something? If so, this does virtually nothing.


Seems like it

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OH NO, I didn’t read the fine print! However, it is still better than being forced to raid every week for the next 15 weeks.

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Yeah confused why they think it’s ‘‘faster’’.


acquisition rate is fine for arena spamming, but I think for the time investment, m+ isn’t giving enough echoes.


So we still have a cap so we can’t really “catch up” on our alts? And still need to upgrade the cape to 15 before this… Sorry I don’t see this as “listening”. Better than nothing I guess.

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