Faster Legendary Cloak Upgrades

This is good but I’d rather just be able to get it from visions more then once a week.

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Why is it every single complaint boils down to “I don’t want to have to grind echoes!WAAAAHHHHHH!!!”? So many people are so lazy when it comes to their characters. Only two of my five toons weren’t at max cloak level, but rather than complain about it, I’m just working my way through lesser visions to get caught up. By next week, I will have brought my monk’s cloak resistance from 56 to 94, and I never have to worry about it again. More people in this thread shoudl do the same.

This is nice, but doesn’t help me.

I have 191,612 coalescing essences. 191K. I could use them for vessels, but what’s the point when I can only get two malefic cores? Even if I went nuts with masks, I would still have more coalescing essences than I will ever need and I will not be able to really catch up since at best I can only upgrade the cloak twice?

I NEED the Echoes of Nyalotha still. And with Blizzard rationing out the corruptions, it will be months before I can use Echoes for something else. Meanwhile: those coalescing essences just keep piling up, unused because vessels take up too much bag space, and really Visions are a nice to have, and the RNG on rewards is just not worth dedicated focus. I don’t do gambling mechanics. I tolerate them at best, but you absolutely cannot drive my engagement with gambling.

Either remove the cap on malefic cores via the original means or allow us to convert the coalescing essences into Echoes.

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It’s not that we don’t wanna grind it’s the fact that we already have to use echoes for multiple other things that cost a crap ton already and echoes are pretty limited. Stop with the Wah wah crap you people just look retarded.

Echoes are unlimited, you can run 15 keys all day for 225 a pop, or bg’s for a similar amount. The only other thing they are used for is buying corruption. If you need an essence, just go out and do it they way everyone had to originally. I’ve raised my monks cloak level from 56 to 77 so far this week, and I still have 5k echoes in the bank I’m saving for severe 3 on Tuesday. Again, it boils down to people not wanting to grind. I know mages who ran 25 keys in the 3 days that masterful 3 was up, there is no reason that cloak resistance should be any different.

You have a way to convert coalescing visions into Echoes. 10,000 coalescing visions + vision full clear = 750 echoes.

You’ve missed the entire point, every. single. time. You want people to grind, a CATCH up mechanic is not = grind 24 hours a day. Your mages had a lot of time, cool. Who the hell cares about that? It’s not about being lazy, it’s about how bad they suck at their own freaking job and game.

These systems are 100% always implemented way too late into the expansion for them to be fully worth while, not to mention for this catch up mechanic you already spend many echoes between essences, corruptions and now cloak upgrades to boot. The corruptions come by once every 4-5 weeks so once ya miss out, ya miss out for 4-5 weeks on rank 3s which is what you want anyways.

Good for you, you have time and patience and dedication. Whoop-de-doo, as do your mage friends too. Good for them as well. I’m happy they can farm out 25 keys in 3 days, not everyone has IO, not everyone has friends, not everyone has guildies, not everyone has time, not everyone has skill, not everyone has all of the things you do: cool!

It’s not about laziness, it’s about how they think this is enough to help out ALTs of people who actually don’t have time, which is a lot of players and why this is a problem in the first place. Those with time will have their characters caught up and geared in no time. Those without it will struggle and hate these systems because they already don’t have time.

If they reduced the cost of rank 3 essences from 2.5k to 500 or left them at 500, it would be fine. If they instead just made visions drop cores each time you did it, it would be fine. If they instead made the cores cost coalescing visions, which would keep dailies actually full on relevant, then that would be fine. If they made it so if it were to be echoes, but instead of 2k each they made it down to 500 each, that would be fine.

The price of them is simply too high and whoever thought they should cost echoes, should first go look at a completely fresh toon without friends, guildies, or any other advantage and see from that toon, someone with no or hardly any time and try to figure things out from that perspective.


Ty very much! :slight_smile:

Which, ok is a fair point, but what if you have 11 alts? What if you have a job and family responsibilities that limit your in-game time? My warrior has 8 vessels, which I never have time to run because my main has to keep going on the treadmill to ensure her empowerment is up to snuff for the team’s goals.

The bottom line is that these systems, per your own admission, are designed to maximize MAUs at the expense of player agency. Players don’t need to be motivated by endless currency grinds. Seriously: grind content for currency A, to buy currency B, to get currency C to buy the thing you want. That’s the “gameplay” (and calling this hamster wheel “gameplay” is being beyond generous) here – not get currency for an item, but get currency for currency for currency. There is no elegance, and little agency.

No one is asking for “free stuff.” But a catch up mechanic is meant to expedite getting parity with the current playerbase. This doesn’t expedite anything - all it does is remove choice. Want to empower that monk alt that has caught your fancy? Nope, you need to spend the entire evening running Visions on that warrior to get that corruption you need for the team. Want to spend the night maybe doing some fishing to make food for the team? Sorry, those echoes aren’t going to make themselves - off to the Vision mines.

And this isn’t just about coalescing whatnots. I have bank tabs full of expulsium on at least 5 toons because none of them use expulsium for anything. Wouldn’t it be great to use those to buy an echo? Or for those who are actually starved for coalescing essences, to use expulsium to buy those? Or dungeon cores?

At the end of the expansion, Blizzard should be incentivizing spending the currency we end up stockpiling because we have no other use for them. And if Blizzard is going to introduce a mechanic meant to get people "caught up (which means fast track their empowerment to be in range of the median empowerment at the point in the expansion where the catch up mechanic is introduced) it has to be a mechanic that actually does that without introducing additional steps.

This is not a catch up mechanic. It is thinly veiled busy work meant to keep us occupied and incentivized during the long tail of the expansion. This is not meant to get people caught up, but rather to force people to remain engaged in end game activities by providing another carrot (keep grinding those visions for that corruption).

Ultimately, it is what it is and I’ll deal with it, but don’t call it a catch up. Just own that it is more busywork, yet another treadmill to earn something that will just end up being a number on a grid on your character sheet.


I mean, from that point of view, every single thing you can do at max level is busywork, just a tool they use to incentivize you to keep logging in every week. You run keys for a weekly cache for residuum, every activity in the game gives you AP, you get echoes, rep, AP, and war resources from emissaries. Gear itself is a treadmill since its replaced every tier. Either you enjoy playing the game or you don’t, and should base your decisions on that. I mean, if your warrior has 8 vessels and you don’t have the time to run them for echoes, then how are you going to have the time to run them for malefic cores? By your own statement, anything that requires you to spend time to upgrade your cloak won’t work for you, so you really just want Blizz to let you upgrade your cloak to the max resistance on your alt without any investment from you whatsoever, thereby invalidating all the effort other people have put into their characters achieving the same thing. Why should your alts be as good as mine when I’ve sunk far more effort into mine over the xpac?

I’m will agree that the gearing system has become overly complicated this xpac, and very intimidating to new and returning players, but that’s directly on Blizz for not wanting to gut it all after the first tier and fix the obvious problems.

Also, using the old “I have a job/family/cat on fire” argument is the oldest excuse in wow for not putting in the effort required to achieve something. It’s great that you have all these things, but so do millions of other players in the game, and they are dealing with these systems without any issues, so what makes you such a special snowflake. There are plenty of games and genres that let you dive right in at top level with no commitment if that’s what you prefer, and it really seems to me that that you might be happier there.

My cloak is Rank 1. I can’t get the Stormwind quest done by myself. I’ve tried three times and die of insanity. Suggestions?

This is my Main and only character.

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I think the biggest issue I have with this goes back to revolving corruptions. I don’t necessarily mind a grind. I’m happy to grind out 2k echos for a cloak upgrade.

My problem is that I need to grind Echos and buy Corruptions JUST IN CASE I get a drop 2,3,4, or 5 weeks from now. I don’t have Echos to spare because I need to stock up on corruptions while they’re available because I’m worried I will need one and not have it.

If this was intentional, they could have gotten the exact same results by increasing the cost of Corruptions.

Thanks for listening to player feedback!!!

And yet, here you are, still whining. Im Winning. :slight_smile:

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You losers are whining about the catch-up mechanics not being enough. I refuted this. That is some serious mental gymnastics to make me the whiner in this exchange.

No now we are just laughing at people like you who think youre owed something just because we waited. :smiley:

Are you using the sanity orbs? (Special action button with 3 charges, that restores you to full sanity). It’s the first skill you train at the console next to MOTHER.

I failed the first couple times before I realized I was supposed to be using that.

Clear the area of mobs around Alleria/Thralls room then use an orb to get full sanity back, before you engage them. Makes it much easier.


I’m just going to ignore the elitist diatribe. I’ve played this game far too long to not get involved with that monkey and that circus.

The bottom line is that using echoes to buy malefic cores is not a catch up mechanic, because using the most valuable currency as a catch up is not a catch up. It’s a choke point. A catch up mechanic utilizes alternate means to basically allow for concurrent advancement instead of consecutive advancement.

The Occam’s razor solution is to allow a malefic core for EVERY FULL CLEAR OF A VISION For many, that’s up to 30 vessels. You then add 1 malefic core PER MASK, up to 6 total. This now encourages players to do Visions, and mask runs. And yeah, it means that you can get caught up in about 5 5-mask runs. It means you can spend a weekend just running visions and getting caught up (which speaks to people who have real jobs and responsibilities).

THAT’S a catch up mechanic, and it fits your criteria of doing “busywork.” You should have no issues with this solution. It’s current content, it requires effort, and folks doing the most difficult version get rewarded the most, while allowing those players who need the catch up the most to also work on getting their best corruptions, so they can be more productive in the end game content they are seeking, thus making their teams more successful.

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I just love how anybody who’s wrong throws the word “elitist” out like some kind of magic trick that magically negates all the arguments counter to theirs. The fact is, you didn’t counter any of my points, you just reinforced them with this post. You literally want to reduce the effort in upgrading the cloak to nothing. Currently, it takes 2.67 greater visions to do one cloak upgrade. You want to be able to get 5 cloak upgrades from one run. That works out to approximately an eight times greater return on each run. That is pretty much the definition of spitting in the face of every one who has put in the effort to upgrade their cloaks on multiple characters up to this point. I can accept resets at the start of a new tier, not mid-tier. Things are fine as they are.

Expansion is over btw. Thought I’d let you know. So what does it matter!

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