Fart jokes, really?

As Ive posted in other threads I feel like maybe there is some sort of pop-culture reference there that I’m missing? Or maybe there is early 2000s slang that I don’t know about that altered the meaning? I really have nothing.

These are the same people who tried to censor music, TV, burn books and such in past generations.

Why they work at a game company when they hate fun and could be paid better in other fields is beyond me, but it’s really just rampant puritanical nonsense disguised via virtue signaling.

This game isn’t rated E. Don’t know why they think this stuff matters at all.

Of course it could happen. I’ve been burned out before in Legion and MoP. This isn’t the same thing at all. I’m just genuinely unhappy with the direction the game is moving in. If the game was good, I would be on pushing keys right now on my day off.

Don’t feed the bad faithed troll. :slight_smile:

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There was a certain political party in Germany that did all those things, and their values definitely didn’t align with what we consider woke.

There’s are certain religions that love censoring things that don’t fit into their vision.

But we’re gonna completely ignore those things because it doesn’t fit with your stereotypes, right?

At the rate they are censoring everything they may well be trying to make it be.


You guys are such divas, it’s honestly astounding

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At the end of the day this nonsense won’t last in the gaming industry. When you look at what other American studios are producing (and Japanese and S. Korean) Blizzard’s overboard censorship is a flash in the pan. There are a couple of other studios who try to pander and censor, but for the most part the money isn’t there. If Naughty Dog didn’t have TLoU 1 being so successful, they wouldn’t have made even half of what they did with TLoU 2. And the same goes for WoW, it’s one of the biggest MMOs out there and even with these changes it won’t die.

Some players will see these changes and say, “huh, maybe WoW’s not the game for me anymore” and just not sub in the future. And that’s fine because unlike 2004, today we have so many good games to chose to play, it’s like being a kid and going to a massive toy store for the first time. We have plenty of options now and many of those options aren’t taking the safety scissors approach to their games. The sad thing is, WoW will never go back from this. Even if Blizz got rid of all the devs making these changes, new devs aren’t going to add them back in, or add new ones. For better or worse, WoW is going in a different direction with it’s feel and tone and for some of us, the journey ends at that fork in the road.

Look at how China, far and away the largest gaming market, censors everything and tell me that lmao. Companies (including Blizzard) bend over backwards to fit those censors. They literally play a totally different game with several changes because the government censors so many things. Are you against Blizzard doing that?

Again, total divas. This is not going to have a lasting impact on the game and all you crybabies know it

You probably inventing a new cartoon baddie for the next new cartoon show.

“The Fun Sappers.”

Or the next WoW big bad villian. “The fun Jailor.” as if the normal jailor isn’t a joke already.

Why don’t you eat a snickers bar and stop being a Diva Troll!

As soon as you whiners grow a pair and stop being triggered by not being to /fart on people

We whinners don’t like having content removed. I’m sorry you can’t understand this.

TIL /fart is content lmao

What a world you guys live in

Sounds like a villain that’d pop up in a Nick cartoon or something.

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I know right. You can see and hear whatever you want on tv and the internet but all of a sudden world of Warcraft is the problem.

Get bent ya dirty, whiny crusaders of nonsense

I’m sure most folks would want to try to censor a majority of the 80’s 90’s movies in the cancel culture movement. Cause 1980-1990 era has to be offensive now go figure.

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Yes all fun will be removed from the game, BUT those bots will never be removed because…sub numbers matter.

Then they should look at the sub number sheets. Cause right now they should be somewhat concerned that people are quitting there game.

I think the CEO of Blizzard needs to make there own developers play wow for 2 weeks. Cause a mass majority obviously never played WoW before that they are designing.

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Right and a lot of the sub numbers that are left are bots… and they continue to do absolutely nothing about it because it’s sub numbers.

The game we used to know is dead…
Yes the game is still here but it’s like the world’s current situation with the poke.
We are still living out life but it’s nothing like it was pre 2020.

I have zero faith in Blizzard at this point to put out any content other than classic that is remotely world of warcraft.
It’s still WoW just World of Wokecrap

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