You removed a fart joke?
Even the cartoon dad in Twisted Sister music videos isn’t this much of a fun-sapper. What is with the people making these decisions?
You removed a fart joke?
Even the cartoon dad in Twisted Sister music videos isn’t this much of a fun-sapper. What is with the people making these decisions?
** no fun allowed, back to your chores !
Guessing my Foul Belly toy’s days are numbered. I use it almost every time it’s off cooldown. But it’s fun so it’ll have to go.
I carried an M 16 at your age while you sit around here and play on that electric twanger!?
What do you want to do with your life?!?
Yea farts are gone
But Twisted Sister lives on
girls dont fart or poop we dont care but smelling guys who do totally offensive.
The worst part is they keep trying to convince us this is for the ‘greater good’ for ‘inclusivity.’
I don’t know of a single person who has ever been turned off of WoW because of an ingame flirt. Not a single one. Not a single person. It’s like how a cartoon would characterize an evil person that hates fun, it’s insanity.
Yea I’m gonna miss some of the flirts like my little dwarf dorkins
“You’d like to run yer hands through my beard wouldn’t ye?”
If only they put this same time and energy into balancing classes and making them fun to play. Or fixing bugs. Or creating more content.
They are turning into the hyper religious soccer mom that dosent allow for cartoons and cookies…tyrannical Puritanism
i miss goblin with jumper cables.
This is par for the course, tons of time and energy to take fun out of the game.
I think we’d both rather be playing the MoP version of our classes right now.
I bet it was a dad who wants to play with his daughter that made that decision. Danuser admitted as much when he tried to justify the dialog change for Garosh.
Didn’t he change the story on that one like twice?
And everyone rightfully pointed out how that’s the dad’s problem and that it’s a T-rated game?
They’re so offended by butts that anyting to do with the bottom half of a being is dubbed offensive.
Just look at women! Butt so big they had to be frutified.
ion said something long before all this started in an interview about having kids and making stuff okay for his kids. course he knew what was going on at blizz so he might of been covering his butt who knows he seems the only decent one out of all and he was more talking mog.
It confuses me as well. I don’t care what they say, fart jokes are funny and harmless.
Flatulence is the true end game of wow I guess
I have it macro’d to /fart and the jinyu filleting toy. So much fun in pvp. All soon to be gone. Got some mileage out of it at least.