Fart jokes, really?

As I’ve said before, nobody was offended by any of this stuff. Most people in the cancel culture aren’t. They just want attention. Sadly, their chosen way of getting attention makes it so we cannot have nice things or humor.

If it continues, this is our future

That’s crazy talk

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The victim complexes are real with you people, I swear.

They made these changes because of internal polling.

It’s not about you.

The sky isn’t falling, I promise.

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Also relevant: Dee Snider on censorship:

… you sure?

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They’re California woke SJW mentally ill people, that’s what. God forbid some insignificant person finds something offensive. Oh no can’t tell them to grow up and act like a mature adult, because they aren’t mature adults. No have to remove it.

Pathetic. Hey blizzard you’re going to realize like everyone else who’s tried why “Get woke, go broke” is a statement. The people you are trying to placate aren’t the people you need to care about.


/fart and /spit were bad and if you used them you were bad and should feel very bad.

very very bad.

Maybe someone at Blizz HQ farted on them :laughing:


Agreed. I just decided not to renew because I don’t won’t to be a part of the dev revolution.

Well, would you want them to … “let one go” ? lol

Grow up and act like a mature adult about removing things from a video game.

Irony is lost on you dolts

What would be fun if they got it right away ?

You troll people every day on here. Pot. Kettle. Black.


Okay lol

You’re not gonna try to disprove what I said, you’re just gonna attack me.

Good talk

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hopefully someone saved an older version of the game for when this trash falls apart and some private servers have it all ready to go.

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You do realize he is 100% correct, right? I mean these changes are to accommodate a bunch of clinically insane people. Most of these people have severe mental issues, but we dont address it. We some how think their voice matters.


IRL I find farts and burps so repugnant that the sound of either of them makes me gag. Don’t ask me why, couldn’t tell you. I’ve just always had an extreme aversion to them.

I still don’t necessarily think that jokes involving them should be cut.

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I already play a wotlk private server. I wouldn’t ever play this garbage expansion on a private server.