Farming/Saving for level 40 mount

I did a lot of quests, and I had enough gold by lvl 35 to buy a mount. Don’t buy all spells and that seemed to work for me.

I also took enchanting, since you can DE everything you find. So I DE’d all my quest gear that I no longer needed. Sold mats.

Didn’t do gathering, wasn’t worth going out of the way.

I planted myself in the Badlands and killed a ton of earth elementals until I had enough gold to buy a mount. lol

Keep in mind that class matters as well, not just professions or various techniques.

Classes that are more gear and group dependent will struggle earning compared to classes that can solo group quests or are not very gear dependent, such as hunters and warlocks.

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BM Hunters FTW…

My strategy was very advanced and technical. I did quests and sold boe items and mats I didn’t need, all why leveling a crafting profession too.

At level 38 I spent 4 days on a hill behind the Gurubashi Arena skinning Jungle Stalkers, sending the materials to my alt who made Nightscape Headbands and sold them to a vendor.

5 Thick Leather = 42s 45c (after thread cost)

Only need 1178 Thick Leather to get your mount. :rofl:

Also, be careful with flight paths!! 2 silver here, 5 silver there can REALLY add up if you are not careful about how you quest.

There are a fair amount of quests that are something like, “get stormwind herbs from stormwind, a “something” from Darkshire, a “something” from Lakeshire, and a “something” from Sentinel Hill”.

Don’t just go do it. Only go to those spots when it is convenient.


I got my 40 mount at 46 in Vanilla. And getting the epic mount took me a long while after 60. I had no saving strat, other than just horde every cent after spells and such were purchased.

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You ruined my spot. These mobs drop a lot of grey vendor items that sell for a decent amount of gold too. This is a good spot to farm 38-40… on PvE… on PvP servers you are likely to spend a great deal of time NOT farming.

I can pretty much guarantee I had it first. I started doing it on March 25, 2005.

Close… mine was a private server about a year ago. :stuck_out_tongue:
But I’ll share it with you.


The whole “Dont buy anything from the AH thing is a joke.”

It should be " Don’t be over priced crap from the AH"

A warrior/rogue who doesn’t keep up with at least a decent weapon is going to do everything else a lot slower.

Spend 2-3 hours in a good farming spots. It’s very easy to earn 10-15g an hour at lvl 25-30.

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I don’t understand why you would stop leveling to get the mount. If you don’t earn it by 40, you don’t earn it by 40. Just keep moving forward with leveling, because the items you get will be worth more, and the mount will come soon enough. I’d rather get my mount at 45 instead of loitering around at 38. If you get your mount at 40, and I get mine at 47, and we played the same amount of time, what was the point of slowing down your game progress?


I honestly don’t remember to much. I believe I just took herbing/mining and worked the AH while leveling. I had around 250g before I hit 40 so buying the mount wasn’t a huge deal for me.

Considering that Herb and Mining have separate trackers and that you had 250g by 40. You must have leveled at a pretty slow rate.

Skip training the skills you don’t need, take up skinning and vendor everything you skin, try to sell greens on the ah or in zone chat. I always have enough gold by 40 if I do this and often have made another 40g by 46. Don’t buy items from the ah or level any professions. Gorillas in STV are great to grind, their grey items vendor for a lot.

Personally I don’t think I got my first regular mount until I was probably in my 50’s level wise (I had just gotten used to running around and the mount wasn’t a huge priority to me). But then when I did finally get it, I realized just HOW awesome it was to have a mount. I don’t think I got my first epic mount until BC (I think I may have even leveled to 70 with a 60% mount).

This time around I will be completely different about it…my plan is to take gathering professions or 1 gathering profession and enchanting. My preferred gathering profession is skinning because leveling that kills 3 birds with 1 stone…you get exp because you’re killing mobs, you get gray/vendor junk for some cash, then you get leather to sell on AH or even vendor if it’s not really going for enough on AH. Plus in my old age I’ve learned that I actually don’t mind grinding on mobs to skin for hours at a time…it’s actually soothing and relaxing after a long day at work.

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Because it’s not slowing you down actually. You are switching leveling methods and grinding mobs which also give a good deal of drops.

Grinding 38-40 you also save some quest EXP for 40+.

The amount of time you lose in grinding 2 levels for gold is made up by having your mount sooner.

And for me, a mage, a mount and level 40 go hand in hand for MONSTER AoE pulls.

Mount is 80g pre discount
Training is 20g pre discount

Honored is 10% discount
Rank 3 is 10% discount
Both are VERY easy to get by 40

So mount only really costs 80g(I just checked on a twitch vid from the beta)

Also what Anselm said is right… if you dont have your gold at 40 just keep leveling you make money much faster as you level so you will get the gold pretty quick.

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Oh I just always keep track mining on and keep my eye open for herbs. They always popped out to me when leveling so i never needed to track them.

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