Farming/Saving for level 40 mount

I would say the biggest thing is if you can, don’t purchase things. Avoid that. I know people are arguing this, but most people buy a weapon off the AH that gets replaced in a level or two, or maybe during the level. There are few to no times I would purchase anything off the AH. If you just have to, make sure it’s a weapon but honestly if you want to ensure you have a mount ASAP, don’t do this. And yea, with the economy being super fresh, selling gray items. There are quite a few YouTube videos of someone who posts classic farming and discusses mostly gray vendor loot, as opposed to OMG I got an epic or rare so this grinding spot is worth 42g an hour! I think it is Frostradamus who makes them.

Actually quite a few different people that do, but Frostdamus is definitely a prevalent one. Would need current data to really know what places are good to farm just for trash and common items. I have not played on private servers, but I heard somebody mention how the drop rates are definitely different between the two.

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True that, and yea I am sure many do. He’s just one I know off hand. And I really like his videos because of the misconceptions and click bait things people make for gold farming. He’s very genuine. But I would say it’s a good start. On top of that, he mentions general things such as farming ogres when you can because cloth drops are higher / raw gold. That kinda data is available to analyze without private server use. But yea, things like density of mobs and respawn rates will have to wait to know for sure.

I really enjoy Frostadamus as well.

Definitely the drop rates vary… I mean you get so many bags dropping on a private server it isn’t funny. but general info like humanoids drop cloth and gold are universal. In fact, I would say that for the most part he drop tables are correct. Vendor values are fairly spot on as well.

For sure the tip of taking skinning and selling the leather & auctioning the hides is solid. And if you do that… then farming mobs like the Raptors in STV makes good sense.

I should mention too that farming 100g is only like 3-4 hours of farming. I doub’t you could get more than a level in 3 hours. So at 38 or 39 I stop questing and farm raptors for 3 hours. You keep questing. I will still get a 1/2 level of exp or so… while maybe you get a half level further.

But at 40… I can mount up and speed up my leveling by a LOT… while you are still running on foot til you get the gold.

I never played a melee class that didn’t really, really need to buy a new weapon off the AH once in a while. Just avoid the ridiculously overpriced stuff. Why would you want a mount other than to get around and level faster? Having a crap weapon slows you down too.

Too each their own, but avoiding the AH doesn’t seem like a good strategy.

One additional caution about farming/gathering as moneymakers in Classic: Remember that, aside from the effect layering has at the beginning, nodes and mobs in Classic will not be nearly as available as they are in retail, particularly with slower respawn rates in some cases. While farming and selling mats is still a great way to build up gold, you might find more competition from other players for resources. Raw gold might be a more worthy effort on highly populated servers if the farming rates are high enough in certain spots.

Skinning and Herbing for leveling, no seriously, this is all you need.

Most players by lvl 30 will have around 20G if they haven’t wasted it on skills they don’t need yet. If you settle down and grind Mobs from 30-40 you will generally net 70G by the end of it.

At that point you pretty much have what you need to get your first mount around lvl 40-45.

The alternative I guess is to just quest. But you wont make enough Gold by 40 if you do that. Imo you have to supplement the 30-40 lvling process with mob grinding to come close to the 100g by yourself.

Or get lucky with some RARE Items on the Ah… but most ppl wont even have the gold to buy anything for the first month.

So on the beta I farmed about 70 g on my lvl 30 alliance rogue doing solo runs of stockades. The cap was 30 back then but during live you’d be getting experience as well. Basically I did some drive by pick pocketing while farming the 1-2 chests per dungeon reset. You get a ton of greens (I got 2 x blues as well) and the auction house is just around the corner. Also killed the rare boss for the blue item to DE.

For the chests I just killed all the elites. Even if there were 6 elites in the chest room I could still clear it out eventually with some combo of evasion, blade flurry, sap, vanish, healing pot, gouge + bandage etc. Actually really appreciated the 50% movement speed increase while dead as a NE lol. Sometimes I’d space out and get a pick pocket resist while vanish was on cd :<