Sounds shady af
A loan? What are the interest rates rofl
Sounds shady af
A loan? What are the interest rates rofl
They scratch your mounts back… you scratch there epic mounts back
its just helping friends, if I loan out 40g I don’t expect anything more than 40g back.
I leveled 3 characters to 60 back in the day. All had mounts at 40 and epic mounts at 60.
Get bags first and foremost. I’ve done the math. They pay for themselves from not dumping loot.
Loot everything! Teeth, claws, everything! Vendor trash adds up very very fast.
Bypass training worthless or near worthless skills. Things like eyes of the beast on a hunter… that may not have many practical uses while leveling.
Any unused cloth put on the AH. A lot of people used to vendor cloth not realizing its value. Don’t be that guy. There will be people focused purely on professions and turning a profit.
If you decide to level a profession, sell practical leveling items. Tailors (bags), leather workers (armor kits), enchanters (wands), Blacksmiths (sharpening stones), engineers (ammo), alchemists (heal/mana pots).
Kill everything to and from quest objectives. This fills two purposes. You get more loot, and you get additional experience which keeps you from hitting grind sessions between quest points.
Don’t buy unnecessary garbage, like trying to upgrade gear off the AH.
I was writing out a long post but Ironpelt said it best. Bravo, my friend. Well said and fantastic advice. I suggest we all listen to him.
The only thing I would add to Ironpelt’s advice is about skills. If a skill means you can kill mobs that yield better vendor trash, invest in that skill. But do skip over “junk skills”.
Invest in bags like he said. Trust us on this. It will pay off!
PS, start saving from the moment you roll. Just like it’s never too early to start saving for retirement in real life, start saving from lvl 1 for your mounts and skills.
What size bags are most economical
If you can stomach it, fishing should be a solid way to earn your mount. I paid for my first one in vanilla with the proceeds from selling oily blackmouth on the AH. Cast time was twice as long in vanilla as it is now, and very few people fished at the time, so any profession ingredient that could only be fished up would sell for a lot. Chests were more profitable to fish up then, too. If you do take up fishing, do your research. Fishing in vanilla was more complex; it mattered where and when you fished, and there were no pools at first, though I think we had them by 1.12. Personally, I can’t wait for that fishing experience again!
it was not hard at all, i got my 100 gold at level 39 back in the day
Don’t listen to this sentence. Buy stuff if you need to upgrade your weapon. Killing mobs will grant you faster gold earning than if you kill them twice as slow.
Translation: Buy my stuff off of the AH so I can get rich faster.
From the starting point free is the most economical. Most starting zones have a few mobs that will, on occasion, drop 6 slot bags. 6 slog bags can also be purchased for around 5 silver at starting inns and the like. 8 slots are a hefty 24ish silver. Upgrade when you can, but honestly that price is painful when you’re starting and literally every copper counts.
I was a beta stress tester on May 29th…by the end of the cycle I had all my bag slots full with 8 slot bags and over 7 gold in my bag along with training and that for my hunter I leveled up too 15…I played the AH like I did back in the day and made the gold easily…
My humble opinion is that you shouldn’t be upgrading from the AH for quite some time. Quest reward upgrades should carry you through until you get a shot at dungeon rewards for upgrades.
Of course, play the game and spend your coin as you see fit. Fiddle around with methods and find what works for you.
The most important thing is that we all remember that for most of us, this is a game and not a job. Games are supposed to be fun. Have fun.
The gold did seem to flow easier in stress but we have to remember that the cap was so low that the exp was replaced with coin reward MUCH sooner than we will see at release.
I seem to recall doing pretty OK selling greens on the AH back in vanilla to save for the 40 mount. 60 was a whole other ballgame. Hours skinning bears and such in Winterspring.
Scrimp and save til 38… if you don;t have 100g by then… stop, go to a farming spot for level 38-40 beasts that drop greys. I plan on taking skinning until max level for the gold you get vendoring them. Vendor leather, AH hides.
This way you are grinding EXP to 40 AND getting the gold for your mount.
Buy only the absolute core spells… i.e. if you’re a frost mage do not buy the higher rank fireball spells.
Don’t forget as a rogue you have the lock boxes off of Desolace where you can occasionally secure a Big Iron Fishing Pole,
. I used to farms these and sell for a nice profit.
Farm Location …
Lots of ways to make gold in wow, just have to be OCD about it…that said, I remember being given 100g by a friend and OMG I strutted like Donald Trump in a Brothel slinging $1.00s. Back then 100g was a decent some of gold.
Take herb/skinning till 35. Save as much as i can for skill ups in bank/alts.
Drop skinning/herb for leatherworking and alchemy. Use greens made to de on an alt and sell dust/shards.
Reach ability to transmute deeprock salt and arcanite bars. I do this because i play alot of alts and dont have alot of time to play in general. Transmutes are stupidly eash to have a stable long term gold income.
Also with such a low cap if you have 3g and see an item you want its easy to drop 1g on it because you have nothing else to spend on.