Farming Invincible from ICC

Eazy mount

I can confirm


“We would have got away with it if it weren’t for those meddling kids!”

Well I’ll sound like a broken record here, but you used to not have to with the lockout trick of saving a 10/12 normal lockout on your alt and then skipping straight to LK.

But now that that’s dead I’m not farming it. 25-30 minutes per run instead of 2.5-3 hours for 13 toons is not worth it.

I you people farming the mount in the right location? I hear it’s hard to see some times.

I believe that’s “Invisible” not “Invincible” :blush:

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It’s been years, across up to 30 toons. Still don’t have it. I have the Headless Horseman’s Reigns and the Big Love Rocket but this stupid invisible horse just will NOT drop for me. I am so damned sick of ICC.

Invincible the invisible mount :wink:

Havent seen it and have no idea how many kills i have for it >.<

Dropped on my 12th try with my DK. Took my hubby I think two dozen tries across various characters. I have other friends who are over 30 attempts and it hasn’t dropped. I was very lucky.

OMG my hubby was having this happen for real! He kept swearing he was hearing an orc say “me not that kind of orc” right after the Deathbringer Saurfang fight.

He will be so happy to know it wasn’t just him lol

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Did not keep track but probably over 300 kills

I don’t remember how many kills it took me, but according to my achievement timestamp I got it on the day Marty McFly travelled to the future: Oct. 21st, 2015.

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Oh yeah, it wasn’t just him. I was hearing the voices too.

“Aren’t you lucky!”

“It’s always somebody else…”

When those 2 collided at random it was depressing since it seemed like the game was mocking me.

I’ve also only just started on this journey. I am farming it on 14, soon to be 15 toons. Not sure if I’m going to keep up that pace once SL drops but who knows.

I got the Blazing Drake in Dragon Soul on my 9th try so anything is possible. However I’d say that I’ve used up my one lucky mount chance and am now looking at a long grind for Invincible.

I’m considering boosting another for a extra chance, I’ll have 6 50s to farm horsey and that flying gnome head

only the worthy may ride

I want to wish everyone goodluck in your mount farming this reset. My toons are all waiting outside ICC for that horse.

After that I’ll be knocking on ulduars door, update us if you get lucky !

I got mine about 2 weeks ago…but I don’t really farm it…granted I had probably around 200 kills or so? But “farming” was more of a yeah I guess I’ll run a toon through this week.

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