I got ashes on my first kill, mim’s head after a few kills while i was farming the legendary weapon i got a bunch of other mounts pretty quickly, including the sha mount after only 42 tries on a single character and mythic mounts from wod in like 4 or 5 tries each (i only farm on one character because i’m too lazy).
But the two mounts that elude me are the horse in icc and ji-kun in tot. I got horridon 6 times so far, but the bird which is supposed to be like twice as easy to drop, it at almost 300 tries. At this point i dont even care about the mounts, i just want to be free of these two raids lol
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You’d think that running 25 toons through ICC that at least one of them would be lucky enough for it to drop.
Nothing still.
RNG is a weird thing my friend. Keep at it, your time is soon!
many many years on multiple toons. Just got it this year.
I rotated 12 toons for 4yrs until I got Invincible, anways…
Have some shaman luck
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Gone as well as my Headless Horseman farming
Hundreds of kills over 12 years…
Good luck to you and me both brother
And that’s when the fight started…
See…RNG man…got that this year on my 5th bag…lol sorry
I’m still at it myself. I don’t run it as much as I should, I feel that it’ll never drop. But I’m still going to keep trying.
Took me about 800 kills if i remember right. Just got it during Legion.
Wow that’s insane man, good job for sticking with it.
Been farming off and on since MoP…
Cries in still farming it
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Are you sure it hasn’t dropped for you and you just can’t see it?
Been farming for 10 years straight.
Started with 2 alts, the last 5 years have been with 15 alts. EVERY week.
I currently have over 4,000 kills on him. Nope.
I also killed him when current back then. Farmed him about 45-50 times before Cataclysm went live.
I have gotten almost every other old raid mount on the way, but that horse still eludes me.
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took me 2 years or so for me to get invincible , if a total of 350+ runs at it
Been at this since wrath, i still dont have it.
so many times since cata I forgot across multiple toons, at least 6 toons
Over 3 solid years of weekly farming on 5+ characters.