Farming Invincible from ICC

Find a gnome. Throw them off the platform. Lootcifer is less fickle when paid.


What made it more dramatic was that I was doing the run on my DK.



my friend got his on his 92nd kill. rang me going mental lol

AH. So it didn’t drop. You were rewarded by the LK!

LK: You fought well. Live long and prosper. Take my mount… I’m stuck in this place and can’t use it. What do you mean you can’t see the mount? It’s inVINCible, not inVIS… just get out.


5 years on as many characters as I could.

Got wife to start playing wow and it dropped for her first try… She even said “wouldn’t it be funny if it just drops first time for me when you were doing it on 12 characters every week” right before it dropped.


hahaha nooo man!

Never cared about it enough to farm it lol if I really wanted to I have like 16 chars I could run it on.

make it your goal man…go do it on all 16 chars…and post here if you get it lol

No thanks I am good lol

Yeah I was pretty much just doing all the mount raids on 12 characters every week for a few months before classic launched. Got like 4 of the 1% or less drop ones in 3 weeks though.

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well just killed LK on my last toon for the week…no Invincible this week haha…onwards to next reset!!

If only… OK, I chuckled. :laughing: :laughing:

ICC was an easy one because you could use the group finder to invite yourself to a group without having more than one account. You just keep one character saved at lk on normal, then list group, join on character you want to clear on, kick alt that you are keeping lockout on, and swap to heroic and only have to kill lk. I think they removed that with prepatch though. If not then it will be with shadowlands.

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I hear that strat was broken lol either it’s broken or it was a cheese a Blizz never cared to do anything about until now for some reason

It was oversight. They had already made it so you couldn’t switch difficulties in the middle of pretty much all the old raids but glossed over icc for some reason. What stops you from doing it with others is since you can’t swap difficulties the lockout character has to be on heroic and heroic lockout saves group even if the other members aren’t there.

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I was a bit nervous about the ICC lockout trick not working anymore, but instead of just stopping my farming, I told myself that I would just give it one more week before taking a break. So, I ended up taking 13 alts through ICC without any luck. Took a break for a few days and tried with my last alt, and sure enough, it dropped.

Only a few days after the pre-patch dropped :’) Years of farming on and off; I am incredibly happy to never have to go into ICC again, haha.


About a decade. Ran it so much I got jaded and stopped for a few years. Ran it a lot, got jaded again then only ran it 2-4 times a week for probably another year or two before I got it.

I wasn’t excited. I was just a husk of salt infused jade. And am quickly becoming that way with the mount from Hellfire Citadel.

I am at about 280 tries since I started playing in 2014. I only farm it on one character and I most often than not forget about it and end up not farming for a couple of weeks lol

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My mate had unreal luck. He got ashes on first kill, mims head on 9th kill and invincible on 92nd LK kill.

Also the camel mount.

I’m like WTf dude