Fangs of the Devourer: Use the Twisted Gateway Bug

Time to uninstall again…when I was 9 mounts away from 300 mounts and had other activities to occupy me. This has me feeling down to not be able to access the hidden artifact appearance for assassination because this stupid quest won’t let me abandon, and start that artifact quest. Are you that dense devs? Really?!

I dont understand how this bug can even exist, and them claim its fixed.

First of all why make us unable to abandon the quest … Thats fixed almost 90% of issues with quests and now we cant even do that. just bricking legion prog

I made a new rogue to see if it was fixed as that is what they claimed - it is not. Still unable to abandon the quest and the portal still does not appear. Perhaps I’ll open another ticket today and link them this thread to see all of us that are confirming it is indeed broken still.

Hello Starion!

Many thanks for reaching out to the Blizzard Support Team, my name is Game Master Ozaerelthy, I will be taking a look at your case!

Starion, mighty Rogue, I understand you reached our Support Team today because you are facing some trouble with “Fangs of the Devourer”. Let´s see!

Dear friend, the following article will hopefully provide some clarity on the matter presented, elaborating on the pickpocket feature in the quest:
https:// support.blizzard. com/article/000275080

In addition, considering to reset the User Interface is proven to be rather useful as well:
https:// us.battle. net/support/en/article/000007549

Last but not least, some fellow adventurers on Wowhead provided their testimony, sharing how they managed to continue their journeys, since we are unable to abandon the quest for you my friend:
https:// www.wowhead. com/quest=41924/fangs-of-the-devourer#comments

If you have any other queries or questions, please always feel free to contact us again, and we will do our best to help you on your adventures!

Never feel shy to share your feedback and suggestions with our legendary community and the developers, should you choose to:
https:// support.blizzard. com/article/000021518

Safe journeys, and have a fabulous day!

・。☆⌒*.Game Master Ozaerelthy (∩`-´)⊃━━☆゚.*・。゚

I was given an answer:

  • link to a closed problem with pick pocket in this quest
  • visit the interface reset link
  • quest link to wowhead
    since they can’t cancel the quest for me

Just came across the same bug. I’m not even gonna try to send a ticket because it will only get me banned, so I made a bug report and called it a day. I hope at least they add the option to abandon the quest, it makes 0 sense to have the option grayed out.

Same issue still!

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I just had this bug myself. No portal spawns and I am stuck.

Just had this bug, restarting game did not help

Came here to report at level 41, this remains a bug. Extremely disappointed in this.

yeah still bugged today just hit this wall on my rouge.

sucks massive kodo nards

yep still bugged.
Their ingame info is LYING!
They did NOT fix this.

Still bugged and can’t restart the quest.

I don’t see the reason why it is not restartable, as if it is designed in this way on purpose.

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partial update for other folks also stuck, Sadly even the Workarounds the GM’s have found for THIS quest(unlike into the sands, where they just finished it for you but you had to run your self) just break even more quests further down the line. They know. They are Working on it. But the workarounds they tried made it even worse for some people. (had a real Original Release type WoW GM respond about 3h ago and gave me this info)

Just got a response

"Now, I do have an update on this, which is that it looks like a recent fix for a different server issue looks to have broken some code that let the portals load properly for this quest, as well as impacting some other Legion artifact quests as well. This is being worked on, and we hope to have a working fix in place very soon.

Due to the nature of the bug, there’s no way for us to complete or skip it for you - you’d end up with no weapons at all, which defeats the point of the quest! :frowning: So for now, I’d advise to keep the quest in your log, and try again later in the week - we’ll update the official Hotfix Patch Notes post on the official website at once this is in place!

I am truly sorry this is affecting you, it’s an incredibly annoying bug, and I thank you for your patience while this is addressed.

Thanks for reaching out to us again, and I wish you a fun and safe week ahead!"

Looks like they know about it and are trying to come up with a fix.

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Just to let everyone know the portal appeared for me today when I hearted from Stormwind to Dalaran and was able to continue the quest. I hope others are as lucky as me and this is resolved quickly.


This is in the latest hotfixes

Finally can start Legion… Shame I am already 53 and leveling in shadowlands :confused:

I can confirm that it’s now working! Hallelujah.

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I concur and I confirm. I can complete the Fangs of the Devourer – I was finally able to USE the twisted gateway. Thank God!

SOMETHING works for baby rogues. . . .