Fangs of the Devourer: Use the Twisted Gateway Bug

Since 9.2.5’s release, it appears that the quest “Fangs of he Devourer” for sub rogue is bugged. Val’zuun starts to open the Twisted Gateway, stops, and then nothing happens. You cannot queue him to open it again, nor can you abandon the quest to restart it.

I’ve tried this on 3 (11, 15, and 17) new rogues and it all has the same bug.

I have restarted the UI via removing the cache, interface, and wtf folders, reloaded, changed spec, and all of the typical troubleshooting techniques.


Having same issue was gonna maybe open a ticket…its the little things that hurt the most.

I’ve tried all kinds of solutions to maybe bypass it but none worked.

I thought perhaps returning to the current time would allow me to abandon it - didn’t work. I tried picking a different expansion - didn’t work. Guess it’s just bugged until (if) they fix it.

Came here to report this same issue. If this is the first weapon you pick, it locks out out of all Legion campaign progression as a result.

The bug existed in the past, but before you could abandon the quest to fix it when it happened. Now not only does the bug seem to be 100%, but you can no longer drop the quest and pick it back up.

Same issue here. I’ve had a ticket since early this morning, and all I got was an automated reply telling me to relog and restart the quest.

I am also having this issue. So far supports idea of turning off all addons hasn’t helped. Now they are asking for me to submit a bug report.

Yea, disabling addons does nothing. I created a new cache, interface, and wtf folder via renaming all of the previous ones “old” and it did nothing at all. The issue is on their end, not ours.


why can’t you abandon it anymore?

Grayed out.

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Still bugged and unavailable to be fixed or be able to abandon quest. Portal doesn’t spawn when npc “channels” it. Will await whenever it gets fixed to continue my rogue campaign.

Yes, came here to report the same issue.

it’s not even a little thing either. It potentially locks you out of the entire legion questline, and for a good while doesn’t let you use a certain spec properly

Yeah what Kelanin said. I had a rogue alt to do the whole campaign and story for it and now I literally won’t be able to log onto my rogue till it gets fixed which is unfortunate.

Whoa same problem. It wont let you abandon quest and there is no portal.

Yeah, if it is the first artifact weapon quest you pick, you need to basically abandon Legion and talk to Chromie to do something else entirely.

Yeah, pretty much what I had to do. Bummed out, cuz I wanted to level in Legion, lol.

Same problem here. Tried everything. It’s doubly frustrated because I’d just gotten stuck on a Legion weapon quest line on my Druid in the same way. I think the 9.2.5 patch messed with the Legion weapon quests.

Welp, off to Chromie -_-

You can still level in legion. You can do the main quests for Azsuna, Val’sharah, and Stormheim - you just can’t do Highmountain. For me, I leveled my rogue until 30 via dungeons and Azsuna, then once I could fly I flew to Val’sharah, then Stormheim.

same thing here…funny tho every tuesday theirs an update…but hey we all gtotta be thankful i herar they FINALY fixed the murloc bug in the lake cleanup in redridge. hey why does it seem like blizzard really has no respect for the paying players not one bit.