Fangs of the Devourer: Use the Twisted Gateway Bug

Its sad that they claim, “its fixed”, when this had been the case for almost a week now.

The Portal is still not spawning, thus resulting in people being discouraged for legion leveling, unlocking the other artifact weapons and their hidden weapon appearances, and ultimately lowering the player base’s faith in the support/tech team to resolve issues.

Because they seem to be focused all over the “new” content but disregard old content or content with still breathing revelance.

I have encountered this issue as well, on my alt.

The portal is still not visible, and I am unable to abandon or reset the quest. The common issues says this bug has been fixed but this is not the case for me.

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same here, the twisted gate isn’t showing up, I sent a ticket but the average wait time is 2 days…

They said they fixed it but still no portal here :frowning:


Same issue. So frustrating to level this rogue and find out i can’t do the legion stuff i planned. what a waste of time.

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Most responsible bug reporting systems require the customer/submitter to verify the bug as fixed, not the vendor. In this case we have multiple falsifications, it’s clearly NOT fixed. I tried filing a bug on this too, there isn’t even a clear way to track it that I can see.

This is still not fixed.

Still not fixed for me either, no portal, no way to abandon, I have turned off all addons, relogged, reloaded, cried and screamed to the Gods above, all to no avail. I should also state for the record that this avatar is not the current toon I am experiencing this issue on, but for some reason my lock is here and not my rogue.

I’d love if they could fix this quest. I just resubbed, and if they can’t manage to fix bugs on old quests that lock you out of content… Why should I stay?

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I’m here for the same reason. The questline just stops there and the npc portal doesn’t open. It could be helpful to abandon the quest to see if it could appear open again but we can’t. Idk what else to do but wait for Blizz to respond.

Same here, this is definitely not fixed. No portal, can’t abandon quest.

I had hoped that after 3 days in a row of maintenance the issue would finally be fixed considering it is affecting anyone who is trying to get that particular weapon and if you spec subtlety first and go for the fangs first just to get Legion started you have no choice but to level somewhere else until they fix it because you are completely unable to progress. I had been excited after seeing the Rogue class hall for the first time to level in Legion and now I can’t do that due to this bug which is really disappointing.


Had the exact same problem earlier. Came here to check if Blizz had said anything and I’m extremely disappointed to see this has been going on for a week. I wanted to speed level a rogue and try out rogue specific Legion content but this bug has completely ruined the motivation I had to play WoW at all. Submitted a ticket and saw that one of the top reports was this glitch and it said it had already been fixed. Would sure like to know how they think it’s fixed when reports are still coming in.


Has anyone received a response from tech support? Should I wait two days? Or just delete wow? I just started playing, I wanted to create a Highmountain Tauren, I created a rogue to quickly unlock the Highmountain Tauren and this happened

Probably won’t be fixed till next maintenance if at all, the amount of bugs they still haven’t fixed is sad. You still blink in and out of existence in Blackfathom Depths when getting grabbed by tentacles. That bug has been there for over a year, and although it isn’t as game breaking as this rogue bug it is still a massive pain to look at.

I just received a reply saying it was “Fixed” and if I feel its a bug to report it to the bug forum. This is frankly sad. They could fix this easily if they allowed you to abandoned the quest and try again.


Yah I finally got a response for my ticket saying they couldn’t easily replicate the bug to see how to fix it and to just try and see if it is fixed every update or so.

For a little while the in-game said the developers fixed it, but alas, the bug remains. It’s a bit concerning to get the ‘see if it’s fixed in a future update’ style of reply, but I guess we just wait and see.

And yes, experiencing it as well (just to add to the ‘users affected’ count.

Same bug. Seems several of the legion class quests are now bugged. Guess sometimes WOW has to go out of their way to screw things up.

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I’d just love to be able to abandon the quest :frowning: