Famous Necrolord Characters Discuss Their Lives on Azeroth (Spoilers)

They did retcon is slightly and mentioned that the Jailer was also whispering to Arthas through the helm, which makes sense, considering the Helm was made in Torghast, by the Runecarver, it probably contained a portion of the Jailers power to begin with.

I took that line more as ā€œit was just a lingering whisperā€ or a ā€œFaint presenceā€

Still, it does suggest the Jailer was more active than anyone previously realized or even aware of.Which kind of explains why Arthas got thrown into the Maw with no chance of redemption(I think the Jailer is legit scared that Arthas/Lich King is still powerful enough to take over) and Kelā€™thuzad ended up in Maldraxxus

yeah but it isnt as massive as saying "Arthas was never in control as the lich king all the lich king ever did (or hell even all arthas and nerzhul did prior to the merger) was caused by the jailor.

Too be honest at this point I expect it. because it is too stupid. partially because it opens up a can of worms related to Bolvar. Especially with bolvar acknowledging the presence. also if it is related to frostmourne that just makes the whole runecarver stuff aiding us all the more stupid

Well for one the Jailer doesnā€™t decide who goes to the Maw because that was the Arbiters job. And if dialogue like this is any indication:

Uther: I too would like to understand. Please, lead the way.
Uther: My training as an Aspirant was difficult. I remembered nothing of my life.
Uther: Every time I close my eyes, I see my death. I seeā€¦ himā€¦ standing before me, that cursed blade in handā€¦
Uther: Devos convinced me that my death was wrong. She promised me justice.
Uther: What we did to him was not justice. It was vengeance.
Uther: Lysonia was no different. I did not know that they wielded the same darknessā€¦

She might not even be responsible for Arthas being in the Maw in the first place. Assuming that he is there after all. Like if those two were in contact for years then the last thing youā€™d want to do is send Arthas to the same place the Jailer is now.


Arthas is gone and Kelthuzad needs a new power daddy?

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So, when are Thrall and Darion going to learn that their parents are work buddies?

Darion: [stomping around being all serious and broody]
Alexandros, talking to Draka: ā€œā€¦and thatā€™s the story of how I came home to Darion being chased around the pond by the local flock of geese.ā€
Darion: ā€œDad, stop embarrassing me!ā€

Seriously Blizzard, Alexandros better get to actually tell Darion to his face how proud he is of him. Thatā€™s twice now that we know of that Alexandros has talked about how heā€™s proud of Darion as he is now. Heā€™s also mentioned Renault being scum each time, which makes me wonder if weā€™ll find out what Renaultā€™s up to.

I wonder if Whitemane will get to be involved in any of the Mograine family stuff? I think itā€™s a shame that Blizzard hasnā€™t really touched on that since bringing her back in Legion. I understand not necessarily wanting to touch on the rather complicated lore events surrounding Renaultā€™s death, but I wish that we could have gotten at least an acknowledgement that Darion is now coworkers with his effective sister-in-law.