Falsely reporting new patch

I have a number of my level 60s being Guides in Newcomer chat and there is frequently conversation there, and the majority of it is Guides giving information, advice and help to new players.

I’ve said it before and it bears repeating: the ‘toxic’ or nasty players aren’t necessarily the greater number of players, its just that they are loud. The regular, un-nasty people are out there playing the game, often helping others but you don’t hear them mostly, because they are quiet. Its that way in real life, and its that way in the game too.


Here comes the “no one is going to troll you and report you.”
I can already see the thousands of reports going into blizz for even the slightest of on-the-line jokes or comments that some woke snowflake finds “offensive.”

Blizz needs to establish better counter-reporting measures that offsets the expansive reporting tools that will be abused.


People are gonna get denied for mythic plus and just report the group leader cause they’re toxic lol

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Right. Lol

Put up a +15, some 225 tank with no io ques. You deny. He reports you for being toxic. You get a 24hr ban. This happens 5 times. They ban you for a week. You unsub.

Literally the route everyone is going to experience. It will kill lfg.


People act like shareholders are some mythical evil entity.

I am a shareholder.

Shares in atvi are 78$.


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Big Brother is watching you!

Unless the Leader uses profanity, slurs, etc then there is nothing to report. Group leaders have the right to form groups as they wish. They could even deny anyone without a funny hat. That is not against the rules.

The only ones who seem upset right now about this are people who want to be jerks in game without consequences. The kind who think name calling is cool. I don’t really see anyone else melting about it.

They will just go on with normal game like we have forever.


your business isn’t worth that expense

You underestimate the playerbase, tbh. Snowflakes melt under all circumstances.

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None whatsoever. False accusers hardly ever are served justice.

This is my thought process too unless there’s a good review and appeal process.

When I played Battlefield, we had private dedicated servers with 64 players. We had spam tools and in game clan mates that reviewed chat and recorded game play all the time.

We had to get rid of people constantly. The more popular the server, the more chronic a problem. We did have chat bots that would insta ban you for racial slurs.

There was one benefit to being banned while our server was dead (my friends and I didn’t give the helicopter to a server moderator) and banned us because he wanted all for himself. We could go to a different server.

But with CRZ, something like this could not be implemented as a first offense ban. Instead, we’re going to get the heavy hand. This is my concern.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean::dragon: :ocean:

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OP, you expect too much from Blizzard…

If you get falsely banned never come back. Who would want to play in that kind of environment anyways? I’ve been reading thru the threads and I see more and more people just closing themselves off in game. Who knows where it will lead.

edit: using the word banned but meaning actioned. Taking the word literally you couldn’t come back on that account period.

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It will matter when it involves someone important. But then again, they probably get special privileges we don’t get or at least a faster review process.

Why is it wrong to want human eyes on a matter? It should be important to Blizz

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean::dragon: :ocean:


I’m rarely a jerk to someone in game. I have been one back to ppl who have been to me.

I’ve met too many meanies who know the rules inside and out and false report.

I can see gud ppl getting reported by the meanies. This is my concern.


And I think it’s valid until Mirasol or a blue can greatly elaborate on the review process. Maybe get clarification from the CC. We simply need more info.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean::dragon: :ocean:

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I would assume so. I’d like to think after 2 or 3 false reports they would get a 24 hour ban etc. But this is blizzard…


After being punished for using a word which has a double meaning a non-native American English speaker could never know, I have exactly ZERO trust in the system.
And I find your “being upset = being a jerk” equation directly offensive. I have never been a jerk in the game, or elsewhere. On the other hand, I have been victimised by jerks (including an actual stalker) several times.