This is diabolically brilliant. “For that I have to know I got you in trouble hall monitor” Lol
So now let me get this straight. You are saying back in Vanilla you reported people. Then added them to your friends list so you could watch like a hawk as they went off line and you’re thinking is that was them being banned because blizz acted in a timely manner to your report?
I never said I watched them like a hawk. I was not watching to see them go offline.
I rarely even remembered the names I reported, just the total number of people on my friends list.
I would add their names to my friends list, then go about my business. I know that reports were not answered immediately. Sometimes I would be online when those tickets were answered and I would have a chat with the GM. Other times I would get an in game mail.
I cannot remember a single time when a ticket was closed and the total number of names on my friends list decreasing by one. Since I recognized every remaining name on that friends list as an actual friend, it is logical that the missing name was the person whom I reported.
Since this was during the time that Blizzard took strong action and I generally only reported what I considered to be egregious violations, I’m guessing that those names disappeared because they were actually banned and not just suspended.
Right click report does that squelch encourages the offender not to do that again. It’s kind of like applying ant spray that not only kills the immediate ants but makes them not come back again.
Depends on the the server you’re on Ziryus, not every server is populated by the super sensitive. Some servers are actually populated by people with a backbone.
If something offends you the option to simply ignore it exist.
If you think it’s truly offensive then send a GM a report about the evil things in chat and be done with it.
The old system works fine, the new one doesn’t fit the old game.
So far most everything you promote is some kind of change to the original game.
We’re not here to play a new game; instead we’re here to play an old one.
You can take your changes back to BFA where they will welcome you.