Yea. I know. I’m not the one asking for clarification on this and grasping at any inconsistency that can be somehow contended.
Either list shows this won’t effect grouping in classic like what was being claimed at the start of the alt brigade crusade on this topic.
I think that’s also why it’s quieted down quite a bit from this initial rush. People know they look foolish arguing how something works when in fact it doesn’t work as they claimed.
That deflated a lot of this. That is why it’s right back to “grow thicker skin” because that is where it started. That is also why it was being tried here in the court of classic public opinion on the grounds “it’s going to ruin classic grouping”.
People can call that off topic and irrelevant all they want but manipulation and subversion of the masses can and is a real thing.
There’s a book (that’s how many old) called the Art of War. These are not new concepts.
In fact these concepts among many others in that book have been adapted and used in business practices. It’s practically required reading these days in that world. Yea. It’s not real though.
No one else finds it funny the thick skin/snowflake issue is heating up again on the internet the closer we get to election time? Uh huh.
/gold foil hat
Again, I was going off what you linked. I, simply, repeated it.
I’m very much caught up. A Silenced person cannot send out party invitations, initiate whispers to non-friends nor speak in the public chat channels. I still find it to be somewhat problematic (at least for Classic, 'cause that’s what we’re talking about), for them trying to fill Parties, that are being advertised
Ok. My apologies I see there. My bad I thought it was the difference between the two different postings.
I read that as on the left is instance bg, lfr, lfd and the group finder tool. The right would be manual made groups.
Ok. I agree that could be clearer. Guess I wasn’t caught up. Lol.
Also since there are so many being squelched falsely why doesn’t someone do some testing while awaiting blizz’s ruling of their complete innocence?
One of the streamer’s sheep can ask them to make a video of what you can and actually can not do while squelched.
This sure isn’t an end all.
Heck maybe even a post over in CS on this discrepancy may garner a response. Instead. Here we are. In the court of public opinion with no current word from blizz.
Anyone else like puppies and lasagna? I think puppies and lasagna might get a blue response here but good luck with that response being anything about this topic. Lol
Quite a few work arounds to this too. Have a non silenced friend advertise for the group being one way.
Have a friend whisper the party leader you’re trying to join and have him send the silenced an /inv.
Just off the top of my head.
Alrighty then, I shall seek to it, the CS Forums. Also, I still find to be somewhat problematic, when Classic comes, if the Silent person can’t create Parties
Well. Hopefully we get some clarification to these game breaking issues for those who will be impacted by them in the next blizz communication on classic or a blue strolls in and clarifies how the system works/penalties for abuse and such.
Assuming that they are all alt avatars is somehow a verifiable assumption?
Your claim that they are all alt avatars does mesh with your desires, unlike admitting that there may actually be a majority of posters favoring right click report not being tied to an auto squelch.
Give players the ability to right click report so they don’t have to “take time out of playing to file a report”.
Tie that right click report to an auto ignore and NOT an auto squelch. Instead of auto squelching an account if a target report number is reached, “flag” the account and generate a ticket for GM review ASAP.
This should not require much, if any, additional manpower if "all auto squelched are manually reviewed before being upgraded to a ‘silence’ ", right?
The time before GM review should also be no longer than the current time for a GM to review an auto squelch, right?
Uncertain what your point is. People flood trade with idiocy on a constant basis. I am all for having that chaff cracked down on so that it can be what is meant to be, for trade.
Maybe I am just being naive, but it seems to me that if “people flood trade with idiocy on a constant basis” and those people are able to continue to do so, that one of two things is happening. Either:
1.) there are not be enough people “offended” by rtade chat not being limited to trade related advertisements/discussions to report and trigger a squelch
2.) People are squelched but Blizzard is overturning the squelch as unwarranted, which would mean they obviously see no violation in using trade chat for things and discussions completely unrelated to any type of trade.
It seems obvious to me that either you are in the extreme minority if you are offended by the use of /trade for general discussions or that Blizzard does not feel that using /trade for general discussions is perfectly acceptable and not any type of violation.
It seems that you apparently think that you should have the right to squelch anyone who uses trade for anything other than trade related advertisements.discussions.
Billy is in the Barrens with his friends. They are telling Chuck Norris jokes in chat. Many of the other people in Barrens chat join in.
Johnny and his cronies are “sick of Chuck Norris jokes” and report Billy and his friends “spamming” Chuck Norris jokes.
Billy and his friends are auto squelched, even though the majority of the other players in Barrens chat had no problem with those Chuck Norris jokes and many were even joining in telling them.
Tell us all how Johnny and his cronies represent the community as a whole.
Ok. I guess in the future I will have to specify “leave it tied ONLY to the current auto ignore and remove the auto squelch” to satisfy some.
I thought that my meaning would have been obvious, but then again I still have to continually clarify that “instant gratifcation” is a figure of speech and not literally “instant”.
Relax, you present like it isn’t part of it already, no need to get all worked up about it, there are lots of misunderstood facts flying around so we should try hard to be precise when we can.
If we are talking about what the system could include (let’s call it “A”) if the auto squelch was removed, does it really make a difference if the system includes “A” now?
Well yes, people should also know that is how is currently works, its at least one thing we all know happens for sure, but I understand what you are going for here , you are talking about a suggested adjusted system.