False reporting and automated ban

If it can’t be appealed, then it sucks to be you.

Take it is a sign from God to re-evaluate your behavior and see if you wish to continue keepin’ on keepin’ on.

That doesn’t answer the Question and quickly insinuates, that every Silenced Player is the problem, and that’s not true.

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@ Rathier, I think you’re right about that, unfortunately people are super sensitive now days and that’s just a phase that society is going though. Things will eventually change and swing so far in the opposite direction that those who are easily offended will likely go stage 5 hermit.

You’re right it is an additional fee, but something I would happily pay if it inhibits the access to paid real money services of any professional type.

Being that they have to pay to play and buy a copy of the game directly infringes on their ability to spam in chat because with out any kind of a trial game version, and with out any way to “Free access” the game they will be forced to risk it all just to spam, get banned and then be out the 60 in addition to whatever gold they had on that account.

You’re right, something needs to be done about real money trades, but how do we handle that? Any stellar ideas that don’t have potential to wound the community are what I am after.

I think we both have the same end goal in mind, but the only difference is how do we get from here to there?

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Your tap dancing as you backpedal away from the stench of your own posts is absurd, and your bit about “promoting the evil things he did” is indefensible. You are literally attempting to equate the acceptance of tools (handed directly from blizzard) for immediate order in chat channels as “evil”.

PS: That is not what White Knight means.

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They just laid off 800 people. We won’t be receiving better service.

So in essence then if they are laying off customer support this actually would make the whole mob-rule component of the modern game system proposed by some players actually worse because now instead of getting a GM to overturn a bad and wrongful silence imposed by players (Squelch), you may never get a response at all because there is no one to view your ticket.

I would rather play in a totally moderated game than be subject to mob rule with out recourse.

It’s foolish for us to assume that either system would cost more to operate. One system costs the same as the other; being that both requires a GM to review actions taken or even review tickets for petition.

It makes no difference in costs because in one system it’s front loaded and in the other its back loaded.

The real problem is how to address real money traders and actual spam of that nature as well as the REAL threats made against players in game by players who would actually do another real life harm.

That’s what the systems were for; they were not there to protect you from Donald trump comments or other dumb stuff like that like some of my fellow democrats would like to imagine.

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Yeah wow classic won’t feel like “blizzard classic”

That’s actually contrary to what the developers said in their PSA at and after Blizzcon.

They said and I quote…

Philosophy and Future Plans
In restoring World of Warcraft Classic, our guiding principle has been to provide an authentic experience. Things might run a bit smoother and the hardware is better, but the game should still look and feel like you’re playing World of Warcraft from 2006. Things like combat equations, original models, and hunter skills are certainly part of that—but things like social dynamics are a part of that too. The reliance on others, the effort it took to assemble a group, and how that impacted your journey into a dungeon—these were all part of the classic experience that we wanted to preserve.

Original transcript here.

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I never said they were evil for taddle tailing on people. I said they are basically promoting the same stuff and evil person did. Sure you can never equate actually life and death situations and a video game. Thats absurd and obvious to everyone but you apparently. But that doesn’t mean what they do doesnt have any similarities. Then spouting off and the way they go about themselves is the same in every way except it has no real meaning beyond what jolly’s they get off. Also I was using an analogy to compare their attitude and how they act to someone that was reprehensible and wrong in an attempt to have them self reflect and maybe see the error of their ways. It’s not my fault you can’t see that and take everything literally. If you actually read what I said you wouldn’t be dancing around and jumping so fast on your high horse you didn’t stop to think that you might be misconstruing what I said. Not that you care because once you get your feel good points you don’t care if you were wrong or not. I’m glad you thinking you “got” me actually gives you meaning in your life.

Edit: Ps… Like I’ve already said in the second post I was generalizing as I’ve already explained it but since it doesn’t fit your narrative you’ll ignore it again.

It has no place in retail either.


Well, it’s there, and gonna be used. What are you gonna do?

Well they’re not hiring a team of GMs to monitor an antiquated game. So what’s your solution, we just go with no rules?

If it means people have to grow thicker skin and can’t report people for stupid things, yes. The ignore feature is a thing. The problem is players don’t want to ignore players, they want to punish them and that is not their right or job; despite the stories they might tell themselves to justify their side-jobs as social predators on Tumblr or Twitter.


Ah, another person who believes burying their head in the sand is the solution to most problems.

Not burying my head in the sand, just refusing to give power over one player to another. I was in Classic and I saw many Guild Leaders set themselves up as glorified dons in the virtual world. You think I would ever support a measure that gave them the ability to impact the playtime of someone they despise, just because they have X number of lemmings who’ll report for them?

Sorry but no.


But, again, this isn’t a single player having the power to silence someone. It takes MULTIPLE players over a short amount of time for it to happen. The only way it’s realistically going to happen to you is if you’re actually spamming a chat channel or being disruptive. If you don’t act like an idiot, you have nothing to fear.


And that proves my point. All it takes is unscrupulous Guild-Master to demand their guild members do X and it happens. I’ve seen this story and I know how it ends. It’s not a good ending, either for the game or for the community in question.

Now on the other hand if the falsely accused could appeal and then get the lemmings and their commander banned for abuse of the system, and harassment… THEN I might be more amenable to the idea.

That isn’t the system we have at the present though.


They CAN. And if a guild abused it like that, they’d be punished. You just don’t hear about it because it doesn’t actually happen.

I think they can. IK Blizz is making a lot of poor decisions lately, but that’s on them. I already gave my solution (which you quickly dismissed as “not gonna do it”). That Solution doesn’t involve more people to break them.

Putting them on Ignore isn’t a “non-solution”. They won’t get invited into my Groups, I won’t see their Posts, they won’t communicate with me through BNet Chat, so what’s the difference?

I gave an example of what happened to me. It was a context issue. People were more interested in the word said (even though I didn’t actually say it) than the context behind it. A handful of like-minded people can ruin one person’s account, is what I’m saying.

Not hearing about it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. Just because you didn’t see an event or heard about it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. There needs to be evidence/proof, to accommodate what you’re saying.

You’re just spamming “haven’t heard it, so it doesn’t happen”. When there’s people telling you that it has :thinking:


Actually it does. On the old forums there was a pair of jokers that would false report players. They picked up a 3 day suspension for abusing the reporting system. They came crying the the support forums about being unfairly banned, a SFA set them straight.