False reporting and automated ban

The first sentence in this post is:

“Spam is in the eye of the beholder.”

Maybe I am wrong, but to me, that seems to mean that “spam” is subjective, as in “personal opinion”. What Billy considers “spam” may not be considered “spam” by Johnny, Bobby, Tom, Dick and Harry.

This post includes this sentence:

"So once more, to be clear, speaking about non-Trade subjects in the Trade channel does not violate our chat policies. "



Fairly certain that unless certain sentences are cherry picked, it does nothing of the sort.

It also includes the paragraph under that sentence that you conveniently left out.

With that said, and to reiterate what the GM told you, each chat channel is designed for the purpose of the title of the channel. So Trade Chat taking place in the Trade channel is the suggested use of that channel. If you are discussing other subjects in the channel, other players on your realm can consider those unwanted messages as spam. They may report it as such and therefore the penalties associated with spam may be applied to the person reported.

Again for the sake of the text being blue:

Cherrypicked? Explain to me exactly how you read those threads.


Which is not at all what I was talking about, so let me clarify…

NOT referring to posting a page describing how to activate a squelch on a target (like reports needed) , which is what they don’t want people to know, because it could increase already existing exploitability… Instead, I was referring to the fact that the vast majority of the people coming in on this topic quite clearly don’t even know the actual penalties /restrictions for being squelched… And there’s no accurate, modern resource for that information short of just being squelched and trying to do things. A player getting squelched simply has no accurate resource for what in the hell that even means when it happens, and that lack of a resource to explain what a squelch even is, is leading to the rampant confusion and misinformation in this thread by literally every person in favor of this system this far, and good number of those who where already opposed to it.

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You mean like how I read the entire blue post that was cited rather than picking out a sentence? Example:

The very post in that thread has a guy saying that “GM’s have been telling (him) it is now an actionable offence to use trade chat as a normal chat channel”.

I want you to tell me in your own words how you read that blue post.


So what you’re saying is that if you annoy people you should not be able to play the game?

You’re also saying that its OK for players to effectively DDOS other players just as long as they use the AVTI sanctioned system.

Thanks for your contribution to the discussion but I do feel you’re a bit bias on the subject given everything you promote is usually contrary to the spirit of Classic WoW.


I read it exactly as it is written. Why would I read it differently? What makes you think it needs to be translated into “my own words”?

I do believe the restrictions when squelched and silenced are the same. Although, I could be wrong.

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Seems accurate from my experience being squelched at the start of BfA…

Though notable the word “squelch” doesn’t appear anywhere in that page, so people trying to figure out what in the hell a squelch is, when it happens to them, are highly unlikely to ever find that page.


As far as I can tell, as said above, there doesn’t appear to be a squelch.
There is only a silence. That can be imposed by players or a GM.


Well then you must not understand what he is saying. You act like we cherry picked that single sentence as over coming the whole point, but it seems like you are cherry picking everything but his original point which completely changes his point 180.

He was extremely vague in his point and said you may be punished for something the community deems as spam. So if I am talking about someone in trade about how the patriots game was on saturday for five minutes I will probably be marked as spam and I will probably be punished because it’s obviously spam. If someone gets reported for saying LF1M DM need dps, and isn’t SPAMMING it. Chances are you aren’t getting suspended. He said the channels are ‘suggested’ for this type of chat, but isn’t limited to that suggestion as long as the GM doesn’t see it as spam or excessive. Which obviously…(you would think) LFG, LFM, and alerting city raids (as long as it isn’t SPAM) would not be deemed as spam by the GM. OBVIOUSLY…


I presume you mean this part:

“If you are discussing other subjects in the channel, other players on your realm can consider those unwanted messages as spam. They may report it as such and therefore the penalties associated with spam may be applied to the person reported.”

In the end, it is up to Blizzard to determine if what is reported truly is “spam”.

As examples:

Example A

Johnny and Billy are having a conversation in /trade. Neither one is repeatedly posting any message. Every one of their messages are different.

Bobby gets his friends to report Johnny and Billy for “spam” in order to squelch them. Blizzard overturns those squelches, reinforcing their policy that speaking about non-Trade subjects in the Trade channel does not violate their chat policies .

Now, Bobby and friends abused the system and reported Billy and Johnny with the intent to squelch them, but how does Blizzard prove that the system was abused when “spam” is a “valid reason” for submitting a report? How likely are they to punish Bobby and his friends when they cannot prove that Bobby and his friends abused the system?

Example B

Johnny is repeatedly posting the same LFG message in /trade once every 4 minutes.

Bobby gets his friends to report Billy for “spam” in order to squelch him.

Blizzard overturns that squelch.

Once again, Bobby and friends abused the system and reported Johnny with the intent to squelch them, but how does Blizzard prove that the system was abused when “spam” is a “valid reason” for submitting a report? How likely are they to punish Bobby and his friends when they cannot prove that Bobby and his friends abused the system?

Example C

Johnny is repeatedly posting the same LFG message in /trade once every 30 seconds.

Bobby gets his friends to report Billy for “spam” in order to squelch him.

Blizzard reviews and determines that Johnny was at least pushing the envelope of “spamming”. They take what they feel is appropriate action.

I like how you chose to focus on the portion of that second post that mentioned “spam” while completely ignoring the first post:

"Spam is in the eye of the beholder.

My personal level of tolerance when playing - if you are doing it often enough that I start to get annoyed, yeah - you are going to get reported.

People tend to not like advertising very much, and you’ve not mentioned what you are advertising. Not only do you run the chance of getting silenced, you are alienating potential ‘customers’. I’m making a very large presumption here that whatever you are advertising is indeed within the rules."

That would be the post which seems to me to address all chat (including the use of /trade for the selling and buying of goods or services) and also includes the following sentences:

“People tend to not like advertising very much”


"Not only do you run the chance of getting silenced, you are alienating potential ‘customers’ "


The squelch is the automatic silence that is applied after a certain threshold of reports is met. The silence penalty is an exponentially increasing “squelch” that may be applied after the reports that led to the player being squelched are reviewed.

I think my summary is correct.


Sort of like the way you only quoted the last paragraph of that post and ignore the very first sentence of that post:

“I think overall you are misunderstanding what the Game Master you spoke with said.


Agreed, and It’s my opinion that once threshold for “Squelch” is met by what ever metric that AVTI deems warranted, then a GM should step in and take whatever action is or is not needed.

Players should have no power over other players in regard to communication, as that destroys the ability for many players to actually play the game in the way it’s meant to be played.

The reason this system does not truly harm Modern WoW is very simple. LFR, LFD, and mobs that are essentially level 1 rabbits with more HP = a solo player experience so long as you’re not participating in the 2 things that actually require a real group such as top end raid and Rated PVP.

The rest of BFA is essentially a solo player thing and that’s why the system works in modern wow… It’s a system that will not work in Classic.

The ability to click to report is however a good upgrade, and I also agree with you in your other posts that trolls must be dealt with, the only question is how to do that with out destroying the game experience…

As you’re aware they do not go out of their way to destroy the game experience for players in modern WoW, and the modern systems are designed to work together. Their stance has always been lenient; but in this case of Classic WoW the same kind of punishment is just truly insane.

We may as well just give out bans for trolls by players because that’s what this is in Classic.


I can only speak for myself, but to me, that sounds like how the system effectively works in BFA.


Oh lets see what happens when we italicize OTHER words…
I think overall you are misunderstanding what the Game Master you spoke with said.”

That whole “eye of the beholder” thing? It also applies to the GMs making the decisions on reports.

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