False reporting and automated ban

… You don’t understand what I mean. I mean suddenly everything half the raid needs to communicate has to be done through discord. People talking over each other, feedback, bedlam.

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Right click report also ignores :slight_smile: and it might inform the offender not to do it again :slight_smile:


Well now see thats funny because you would think being on the cutting edge of world first progression they woukd be in discord if you’re typing instead of pew pewin…ummm aren’t yoy a bit distracted to be going for world first?
Sounds like you’re not prepared. Somehow one perseon getting an in game squelch is going to cause chaos and bedlam?
What fight is this and what player/role is squelched in game that it is going to impact the entire raid?

I am not following your reasoning here. I don’t even see how your hypothetical situation is possible.
Especially with a world first progression guild.


The problem is that “I don’t agree with his opinion” should not be reason enough to take away someone’s ability to voice an opinion. Believe it or not, no one has ever been injured by argument.


Macros are a thing. They were used in Vanilla extensively in raiding.

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https:/ /xkcd.com/1357/

One person will not get you a squelch, annoying a large chunk of the channel will.


Yea bud times have changed.
Discord doesn’t lag people like vent used to because of under powered machines and connections.
Those macros were replaced with discord and dbm. You’ll see. /shrug

Which world first cutting edge guild allows discord to be optional?

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That’s funny because the left is the one saying right wing speakers aren’t allowed to speak at colleges, the white man isn’t allowed to have an opinion, etc.

Oh and look at YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter where the right regularly get banned, suspended, or deleted, meanwhile the left gets away with it all.

Look at how many right wing people lose jobs over comments on social media and then look at what happens to the left when they make similar comments.

The left is also the one pushing the narrative of feelings and not being able to joke about almost everything under the son but the right wants to control what people can say?


Pro changes censored Farrah’s post three times in 24 hours to try and get the thread deleted. If both sides abuse the system, pro changes does it more.

Oh and nothing in the thread was changed. Farrah never went against ToS or CoC. Pro changes just like to manipulate words to support their agenda and ego.


I unsubbed because of the auto mute and BFA.

Also bullshat they manually review your reports. I get the same automated answer every time ive tried to appeal an unfair mute. I even ask blizzard to supply me with quotes on the “offence” so they can prove it and they never do.

Its a crap automated easily abusable system that is NOT reviewed by GMs.


Almost seems like it was you that flagged Farrah’s post, maybe on multiple accounts, so you could keep spouting this virtuous martyr narrative.


I’m a bit torn about the automated silence. While I don’t like it in principle, it’s an efficient way to combat spammers. However, because it’s shown to be misused it can’t rely just on the number of reports as it does nowadays apparently, as seen when multiboxers are able to silence someone. It has to be a more intelligent algorithm that takes in account who and how often uses this feature and use it as a weighting scheme of some sort when making a decision.


have gms moderate chat channels again like they did in Vanilla. Theyd even join the conversation and talk to people causing problems and make fun of them.


Not going to happen. Too many people needed and blizz is only cutting costs on support nowadays. This is why we’re getting loot sharing as well, so that Blizz could save money on GMs.


They can afford it, activision just doesn’t like spending money to make quality games. Yes you are right in that they probably wont do it but if they were to do it, it would be the best way to combat spam


That’s odd the few times I’ve had to deal with this I’ve gotten an email with a link to the post in question.

Abusable yes. Crap sysyem? Arguable.
As far as GM review goes. Every time I’ve been flagged.
It’s been reviewed by a human GM.


It doesn’t matter. They’re a business, not a hobby project or charity. You can see this not only with Blizzard but with companies cutting costs on support everywhere across the board. That’s the reality we’re living in unfortunately.

On the other hand, this brings sustainability to projects such as Classic WoW. It’s more likely to endure the years to come if the company doesn’t have to spend too much on the upkeep, because I don’t believe that Classic WoW will be popular enough to bring much revenue above covering its maintenance, especially after a while.

We’re talking about in-game chat, ,not forums

Yes you are right in that they probably wont do it but if they were to do it, it would be the best way to combat spam. I already stated I agree with you that they wont do what im saying because its Actiblizzard. You only read “They can afford it” Read the rest of my post.


I’ve read the whole thing, I specifically don’t like when people bring the argument about “they can afford it” in any shape or form. Blizzard can afford many things, but it doesn’t really matter for all us. That’s all.

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