Looking for a summery

I dont really think I’ll have time to read close to 3k posts. Could anyone summarize FALSE REPORTING AND AUTOMATED BAN.
Thread. Thanks.

I’m pretty sure it’s something that they added a pretty long time ago in WoW where after too many people reported you for spam, you lost your ability to use the public chat channels for a while. Then they added something similar in HOTS and everyone is going crazy over a fear of Blizzard implementing something that we’ve had for a while in this game

It will likely be in, regardless of who says no. Moot point, we’ll know at launch or when Blizzard decides to tell us. No reason to make another thread.

So there is a feature in WoW where you can right click someone’s portrait or name in chat and you can report them for offensive language or other options that they give you.

Well with this system comes an automated ‘squelch’ feature. When there are enough people to report you, you are automatically kicked off your account and the next time you login you can’t speak and you are essentially silenced until a GM reviews your case or if your ‘squelch’ timer runs out (which could be a day or two depending on how many times it has happened).

There are people on the side the this is total BS and shouldn’t be in the game because it can be abused by groups of people greifing certain people for whatever reason, and there are people who are for this system because they think the amount of people being greifed is worth this system actually ‘squelching’ people who deserve it.

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basically, anybody can right click on anybody’s name after they say something, and then a windows pops up that gives you an option to report the person
if enough people report you in a short enough timespan, you’ll automatically be muted for a very long time without a game master having anything to do with it, and if even more people do it, then you’ll get banned instead, also without a game master having anything to do with it

you can get said ban or mute appealed, but this takes a very long time to do for the same reason that it takes a long time for tickets to get answered, so, as a result, its mostly pointless to try to appeal a mute or ban, which they usually enforce anyway by looking through every single thing that your character has said or done, including your chat logs, to look for an unrelated reason to justify the mute or ban

this can be abused in many ways in Classic that simply won’t happen in BfA, such as by mass-reporting the main tank of a rival guild, or by mass-reporting everyone who isn’t your guild when everyones competing for an azuregos kill, or by mass-reporting whoever isn’t your butt-buddy in the R14 grind or by mass-reporting whoever wants to roll against you on felstriker before you click the need button

community matters in classic, but if you have a group of friends that frivolously mass-report people to get an edge over them, then thats all the community that you need right there
and in WPvP and in uninstanced raids, there is no option to avoid them, aside from the option to not do WPvP or the uninstanced raid
if you don’t like it, the only thing you can do is to not do the thing that you would like doing if they weren’t there

if theres no right click to report, then people who think that water is racist or don’t like you tagging that quest mob that they want would have to actually file a ticket instead of right click reporting you, which means that they’d be drastically less likely to suffer some sort of account penalty, and people who band up to so selfishly get an edge over others would have less tools with which to selfishly exert unearned power over other people to the detriment of everyone who is less underhanded than they are

Yeah, most of these comments are wrong lol. Basically if enough people report you, you can get a temp mute until a GM looks at the reports to see if there was actually any rule breaking. If no, then you’re unmuted with no penalties. If there was an offense then they will hand out the appropriate punishment.

It’s very simple, and this forum blows it way out of proportion. Every case can be disputed if you truly believe you did nothing wrong. If you get handed a ban and your ticket to dispute it gets denied, then the player deserved the ban.


Am I the only one who immediately recognized this as bait? :smile:


TLDR? Oldest debate there is Who’s better at justice? Humans or AI.
it’s just two groups of thought going back and forth.

Do we allow a lifeless machine code and numbers say who has a right to speak? A broken system that can be exploited continue.

Or do we trust the good will of decent citizens to bring there written reports to the GM’s and have the gm’s read take action.

Both are naive in there own way’s but that’s what i got from it.

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This explains it well

Yes, and usually choose to not reply in hopes the thread withers and dies. Knowing there are always some forum champions ready to do battle, no matter what.

guaranteed, if this is left in, people who want it gone, will abuse it to prove their point that its bad, and people who want to use it to their advantage (opening of the gates of anh’qiraj anyone?) will abuse it to gain advantage.

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My issue is that, having just fired most of their CS staff, after a long period of asking CS to take voluntary severance, I don’t think anything is going to get reviewed by a gm.

Also, we don’t know what effect reporting is going to have for sure. Most people assume that it is going to be a temporary barring from world channels. But we don’t know how long that is, or if that’s all it will be.

The point is, until we know exactly how the system is going to work, we don’t know how hard we should be fighting against it.

Cool. Thanks for the replys. So no ground breaking news? It’s what I figured it would be all about. Jumping into a thread that’s that large is a bit intimidating.

The short version is people didnt know how to use the “ignore” feature so blizz implemented an “ideally” better version of ignore that can be abused by buttholes to ruin your experience. As long as you use the normal ignore feature then there is no need for blizzards new system.

As for updates, we are told soon. im guessing before the end of the month.

TLDR: If enough people report you, you automatically get kicked off the server and silenced for X amount of time upon logging back in pending GM review.

I’m your huckleberry.

We do not know how many is “enough people”, though. Requiring 100 reports from different accounts before an auto squelch is triggered is vastly different and more difficult to abuse than requiring only 10 reports, or even worse, only 5 reports.

Meanwhile, you have still been forced to suffer an unwarranted player imposed punishment and you will never get that lost time or any lost opportunities back.

I can only speak for myself, but I do not recall ever opposing BLIZZARD handing out any punishment THEY felt was appropriate.

It would seem to me that not everyone has deserved that player imposed punishment if Blizzard has overturned any of them.

Again I can only speak for myself, but I do not recall ever saying that players should not report those that they believe have violated the CoC.

I simply do not believe that players should have the power to conspire with a few other players in order to squelch any other player at any time for every little slight they think they had to suffer.

I prefer more autumny to summery, myself. But suit yourself.

Sunshiney day! Time to go play! Watch what you say! Because some people are crappay!

They were asking to have it explained to them. Like they may not have played in so long that they might not even know what it is.