"Fake Connect" founds in Client Logs

These were found in the logs. Are Blizzard purposely denying normal players access while giving streamers priority?
----------------------Client Log---------------------------------
5/23 11:21:12.598 Client Initialize.
5/23 11:23:13.569 Initial Hotfixes: Received
5/23 11:23:13.569 Initial Hotfixes: Fake Connect
5/23 11:23:13.569 Initial Hotfixes: Requested
5/23 11:23:13.569 Initial Hotfixes: Applied


Confirmed. My logs are the same


This is like your 8th troll post in the last 30 minutes.

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Many people are confirming the same dude. There’s no trolling.


In my logs as well, would like blue explanation. Today was a monumental waste of time sitting at hours of “character creation error” meanwhile streamers press create once and it works. Like holy WOW I’ve never felt so bamboozled


Everyone has the same in their logs. I have the same in mine and I connected fine.

Brain hurts knowing there’s people like this out there


If Blizzard were really trying to keep some people out, maybe they would foresee people looking at their log files, because there are always conspiracy theories happening around here, and named it something innocent.

Just a thought. :woman_shrugging:

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pass me a tin foil hat too


This whole thing was just ridiculous, and this only tops it off.

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It’s in my logs as well, and dozens of people are posting the same.

Some people just think their holy Blizzard and streamers can never do no wrong.


Same. Go to your World of Warcraft folder, open the classic_beta sub-folder, click on the Logs folder you’ll see in there, and then click on the document called Client.log … It’s all there in black and white.

5/22 22:36:08.193 Client Initialize.
5/22 23:07:26.446 Initial Hotfixes: Received
5/22 23:07:26.511 Initial Hotfixes: Fake Connect
5/22 23:07:26.569 Initial Hotfixes: Requested
5/22 23:07:26.612 Initial Hotfixes: Applied
5/22 23:23:08.041 Client Destroy

I spent 2 hours getting a “No Servers Available” screen, though some of you apparently could get a server list screen. So what were we downloading, Blizzard? Did you decide to open the whole thing to streamers, open a little bit to a few others, and then the rest of us get crippled software? Like those old games you used to buy on 3.5" floppies for a dollar that weren’t complete games, but almost games? I didn’t even get an “almost” game.

Screw you, Blizzard!

A blue post to explain … this?? Lol come on man give me a break :rofl:

This forum is literally too much this last week with all the streamer witch hunts and now this

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My logs had the same thing, then I had character creation timed out issues and the logs then had PortraitDeviceDestroy.

jesus christ stop crying. This log does not prove anything. “Fake connect” doesn’t necessarily mean they were putting priority over streamers vs players. WAY more players than streamers that were in the stress test. I was there myself, i saw them spawn hogger, raganaros, molten giants, sylvannas. I dont stream. Not everyone can get in, it’s not easy on there part I imagine.


I checked retail and that hot fix wasn’t in there.

Same game. Same game. Same game.

Okay and? It’s a stress test, tonnnssss of people got into the stress test. Way more regular players than streamers were in that stress test. Easily hundreds of people in the starter zone. It was a huge lag-fest. Not sure what you are mad about.

yeah sure not everyone can get in, i accept that, but when you have streamers (some of which are already in the closed beta) that are logging in on the first attempt for stress test, while others like myself are mindlessly staring at error messages and never able to login even given the fact I attempted my login and character creation at least 5 minutes before Autismogold, there’s gonna be some conflict. Streamers like asmong should not have been allowed to do the stress test. They already have access to the closed beta. I’ve been waiting 14 years for this and all i got today was character creation errors, if it were the same for you, then you’d be crying as well. Asmon logs in and within seconds has a 40 main raid and is on his way to AQ.


Many WoW players have Stockholm syndrome. Rather than call out Blizzard for obvious bias they will do anything in their power to defend Blizzard. It’s sad.