"Fake Connect" founds in Client Logs

Like right now, asmon is back on the closed beta server right after stress test is completed, while thousands of the rest of us couldn’t even log in during the test and probably don’t even have access to the closed beta. He has access to the closed beta already, he and other streamers had no business in the test. They took away opportunities from the rest of us to login and try it out.


QoS.Profile.BetaStreamers set MaxConcurrentSessions = 5 set LoginQueue = ‘Priority’
QoS.Profile.StressTestScrubs set MaxConcurrentSessions = 0 set LoginQueue = ‘Simulated’

Sooooo… we’re scrubs.

google is your friend

Let’s name our devious scheme “Fake Connect” to make it as obvious as possible that we don’t want people to play for 5 levels!

twirls moustache

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hahahahah took away opportunities??
there were probably like 30 streamers in the stress test
those extra 30 logins probably wouldn’t have been given to you.
and you would’ve come here and complained anyway

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You might want to look into what “fake login” actually is before you accuse people who know what they are doing. Noice conspiracy theory though.

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You don’t have to wait 14 years fam. Plenty of private servers that offer a vanilla experience better than the Beta at the moment. Can provide if you want. No excuse there.

I attempted my character creation a few mins after him as well & I got in just fine. Not everyones experience is gonna the same. Its a dam STRESS test, do you expect it go to smoothly? Well you shouldn’t. See ya in 3 months, or maybe not. I could care less.

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Okay before you start spewing out nonsense… try having something to actually whine about . I had the exact same logs as you and i got in just fine. This can be literally anything. It could be labelled like that by the devs to deny the logon to either patch something to stabilize the logon Q. It could be labeled like that when the server reaches it’s maximum amount of players and it’s their way to deny the Q since it was just a stress test…

I’m not saying streamers didn’t get a favorable treatment here as it’s doubtful none of them got stuck on character selection screen while many of us took over an hour to get in. But please stop spreading random hate for no reason. Blizzard is a business, visibility is free marketing and it brings money. Of course they’ll try to get the like 30 streamers that bring over 100k+ viewers a way to get on if they can… In the end it won’t change anything once classic comes out… we just missed out on (most of or up to) 2 hours of max lvl 5 gameplay depending if you got in or not… this forum needs to chill


Yeah youre exactly right, because I didnt get into the stress test to play i came here to complain. You know what could have prevented that? Letting me and thousands of others that were staring at errors into the f-ing game and not big name streamers w/their tens of thousands of viewers. Big name streamers instantly and seamlessly got to login and play, which is fine if the rest of us also get a chance to play, but we know that didn’t happen and for some still hasn’t happened. The email said i could play up to level 5 until tomorrow and yet here i am almost 2 hours after the test has ended, still not able to login to the server.

You’ll be able to connect and play when it releases this summer, that will make it that much sweeter for you.

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Buddy, read over your character’s name one more time. Your word means absolutely nothing.

Look at your name. Elitesbane? Why should your word mean anything?

Whether my word means anything or not, doesn’t matter. What matters is the fact that y’all are complaining over a stress test that’ll only last a few days. You’ll stop crying once the game comes out in a few months. It’s okay, I got tissues for ya buddy.

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Wonderful attempt to troll, child; I see you follow your streamer god well. Now shut up, go get some fresh air, and re-consider your insult-dictionary.

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I don’t follow any streamer, simply observing this childish drama & tantrum y’all are on. It’s hilarious. I got in just fine, and even if I didn’t, I wouldn’t care. I’m gonna experience the full game in 3 months. that’s so close, you’ll be okay :slight_smile:


You were selecting the wrong wow…if I selected my main WoW1 I got that message. Have to select wow4

I still don’t understand the level of nerd rage that’s going on… It’s a stress test. Not beta or release. Calm down. People are getting so worked up.

You guys are daft

I don’t think blizzard would name something so blatantly ‘fake connect’ if they were trying to screw people. Just saying.

Now I WOULD believe someone would call it that and then overlook the fact people will look at those logs and go ‘wtf’ when they weren’t able to connect and blizzard is a company with some really REALLY poor foresight.

I didn’t have too much trouble getting in and I also have the fake connect in my logs. I think you guys are reading too far into this.

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A few months ago I had someone come into our storefront while I was covering it, and proceeded to try to convince me someone was hacking his Samsung phones (he’d bought like 8 phones trying to avoid this “hacker”. He said he had proof.

His proof? He figured out how to access the bootloader. He didn’t know what it was, but because he could access it, he was convinced his phone was hacked.

This is what you guys remind me of.