WoW is a smash button. Not much to be “good about”, but …
Thats not what Im talking about here, players in Legion could beat this with out the ilvl, the issue, and I pointed this out with Xylem, we can do the Mechanics perfectly and get thru the boss fight, but survivability is the problem. When the boss itself its like a freight train and by the time you get to Phase 2 your almost dead regardless of what you did prior, is not a player issue, thats a tuning issue.
When frostbolt chunks you for 15% of your health in one blast thats an issue. I’d rather die knowing i screwed a mechanic up versus dying to a spammable ability
Haha if that were the case, this wouldn’t be much of a challenge and everyone would be completing it.
Lets release content that 5% of the playerbase can complete . Trash Blizzard fix ur sh*t
You would be surprised how low is the actual bar to people complain something is hard.
Me and my guildies back when I was in the Euro servers had like everything just mapped up like “The Founder” movie. It was just stand at the right positions and dish out. Although people always thought the placement and the powers might “random”, there is nothing in WoW that cant be beaten by the power of “seeing the patterns”.
[quote=“Kaiba-garona, post:166, topic:1147072, full:true”] When the boss itself its like a freight train and by the time you get to Phase 2 your almost dead regardless of what you did prior, is not a player issue, thats a tuning issue.
So as soon as someone beats it, it then it no longer is a tuning issue because someone beat it and it just makes everyone else bad?
It’s not meant to be easy. It’s not meant to be given away. This is going to take time and lots of practice. If other people can beat it, then so can you, and you can’t claim “tuning”.
Oh no…like I said, people didn’t even give it an hour of being live and people were complaining it was too hard. Imagine Method complaining that a raid is too hard because they didn’t beat it in 3 tries
Well, they could do the FF solution. Make everything with an ultra easy version, and “tour mode”. However there are three other points:
- Any content you do, you do in the level it was designed for, with the powers it was designed for
- Your rewards match the EXACT difficulty you do
- The mechanics of all levels are the same, the only difference is the speed of interval
The more longer you take, the harder it gets. The harder you set, the faster it takes to get harder, and the level of difficulty you endure, the spec of your loot is.
That I would consider a fair way.
But wow players, they want it easy EXACTLY to get the rewards of hard things.
So your using Method as an example of people complaining that stuff is hard? Thats not an argument there, because Method does multiple attempts anyway, on boss fights. Not challenges. But your missing the point of whats going on, some of these challenges are overtuned, regardless of whether or not somebody somewhere beat it, or theres a youtube video on it, you personally have beaten the Legion variant, tell me, what attempt are you on for the Timewarped?
Good luck. I was able to get pretty far with feltotem, but no dice yet. Dreading doing the worm. You have to basically cleave him after his shells come out. Probably gonna need pots and warp for him.
Tell me, do you really think it is an argument to base the fact that it is too hard the fact that you cant do it ?
The people who keep saying this crap, that the Argus gear made it a joke… Y’all need to get it through your heads that not everyone did it while over geared and it was STILL easier than it is now.
You can still use Legion leggos, their effects are are just blocked. Like the Pyraz is probably bis for doing this since it has 3 stats on it.
Yea I tried a few specs that I got in legion early on, the tuning is literally insane compared to legion. I will literally pay any blizz dev that got past the first stage on the healer challenge, there is a group of mobs that is unhealable and I’ve wiped 20 times.
Watched a video of legion vs now and you can see the enemy mobs doing 5x+ more dmg now to the npcs you have to heal compared to legion.
Blizz had one job and they ducked it up, how did this make it live like this?
I have Put 11 Hours into the MT today and still cant get it down as a SV hunter im about to call it quits on MT is very much harder than in legion and i finish up my MT back then in Night Hold gear , Im not that happy with Mt in current state
It’s absolutely insane, I got to P2 once on the tank one, 57 wipes so far. I know the mechanics, I know what needs to be done, but you can’t even make one single mistake, it’s just not possible if you miss ONE LITTLE THING.
They had testers on PTR, than they just went and upped the anti without further testing? Did they even realise before today that it was going to be like this?
Only a very few who have almost certainly not done it are saying it’s fine. Even those who have done it are saying it’s not fine. There are not many out there who genuinely done it and said it’s OK, because it’s not OK.
Nah, depends on the fight/spec. Bear druids is probably the most obvious difference, druid was the easiest by far when it first came out in Legion, thanks to their insane magic reduction, self healing and range lego, so is easy to see why it would be a lot harder now.
I did it on my brewmaster after 13 wipes and it took me +50 on legion, so it was a lot easier. Same for arms, fire, frost and ww. I dont even know how to play those spec(beside frost) and was able to clear them after ~10-20 attempts.
Near on everyone that has done it have been getting old gear with socket enchants to essentially “twink/smurf” the challenge.
Tht was the problem. It took a while but I was able to beat on PTR without consumables. I’ve grabbed some consumables and just can’t do it!
I only tried the arcane one. Took about less than two hours non stop pulling making adjustments after each wipe. There were a couple frost mages I ran into in Oribos with the mog set and I heard that one wasn’t that bad.